The principle of diamagnetism which underlies human-induced levitation and anti-gravity vortexes on the planet can be demonstrated simply in what I call the human gravity antenna. Diamagnetism (explained below) is essentially a magnetic-neutral zone existing between a north and south magnetic field, which can be exploited for purposes of levitation. As I will indicate below, there are many such ,"magnetic flow reversal points" on the Earth marked by Grid points.
An arrangement of five human beings can be used as a quadruple gravity antenna to perform levitation of the central person. The weight of the central. person, the levitatee, does-not matter nor is the lack of strength or size of the four levitators important. What is important is the form of the quadropolar positions around the central levitates.
See Diagram 1:
Here are a few pointers to keep in mind:
First, the levitators should be positioned 45 degrees off the magnetic compass direction of north, south, east, and west for maximum effectiveness. Second, alternation of male and female sex of the levitators adds to the gravity antennas power. Third, the hand stack on the head of the central levitates by the levitators should not have like-gendered (male/male, female/female) hands touching. Fourth, theres no need to think of anything just hold the hands stacked on the levitatees head for a count of ten. On the tenth count remove the stacked hands quickly and place one finger each on the four corners of the chair. The person in charge of counting says "lift" and up goes the levitates. Now lets examine this phenomenon I like to call "Party Levitation" in more specific and practical detail.
To do Party Levitation you will need five people, one to be levitatedhenceforth to be called the levitatee and four to do the levitating henceforth to be called the levitators.
The levitates sits in a chair and the four levitators stand around him so that they form a square. One levitator should stand to the levitatees left, and just behind his shoulder. Another levitator should stand in front of him and to his left, close to his left-knee. The other two should stand on the right side of the levitatees body and in similar positions.Now the object of Party Levitation is to make the levitatees body so light in weight that the four levitators can lift him several feet into the air using a single finger each. If the experiment is performed properly none of the levitators will feel the slightest resistance to their efforts. It will be as if the levitatees body has lost its weight entirely.
While the levitates is sitting, the four levitators surround him in the manner indicated and place their hands, one atop the other, on his head, as if they were healing him by the laying on of hands.
The person who is going to float must sit relaxed in a straightbacked chair with his legs together, his feet on the floor, and his hands in his lap. The other four participants now stand two on each side of the seated party, one at each shoulder and one at the knee. Instruct all four to extend their arms and place their closed fists together, closed except for the forefingers which should be extended and touching each other along their lengths as shown. The person nearest the seated mans left shoulder is now asked to place his two extended fingers, palms downwards, beneath his left armpit. Likewise, his opposite number inserts his forefingers beneath the right armpit, and again the other two respectively beneath the seated mans knees.
Now invite the four assistants to lift the man in this position, using only these extended fingers. However hard they try, it is impossible. As soon as you have registered their inability to do so, ask them to stack their hands alternately, one on top of the other on the mans head, in such a way that no person has his own two hands together, and then to exert a steady pressure downwards. As they keep this up you count to ten. On the count "nine", they must withdraw their hands quickly from his head and resume their earlier positions with their extended forefingers. On the count of "ten" they must try again to lift the man with those fingers alone. This time he will go soaring into the air with no difficulty whatsoever.
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