Harold Aspden, 1993

This is an open letter written to Donald A. Kelly of the Space Energy Association, P.O. Box 11422, Clearwater, Florida 34616, USA for inclusion in the Association's Quarterly Space Energy Newsletter but subject to the preservation of the author's exclusive copyright.

30th October 1993

Dear Don,
I believe your readers will be interested in the following report of three experiments which form my starting point for onward developments.

As you know from our meeting at the Denver, Colorada event in April, I claim an understanding of the ferromagnetic processes by which we can tap energy from the vacuum state. At the Colorado meeting I spoke on two themes:

  1. the possibility of building a panel in which internal heat transfer by radiation through successive layers of microscopic optical concentrators could develop a temperature differential across the panel, and

  2. the scientific basis for my case that a switched reluctance motor can deliver more power output than is needed as power input.

Furthermore, at the mountain retreat where we had a private brainstorming session involving many of the speakers, I mentioned the thermoelectric project in which I was involved and showed a video demonstrating the quite remarkable speed at which ice can form with very little electric power input and how electricity is regenerated with high efficiency drawing on the energy of melting ice.

That Colorado meeting was a landmark event in the history of new energy developments as it marks the beginning of an escalation which will lead to a bonanza on the energy front.

This was the meeting where we embraced from a distance the innovative genius of Robert G. Adams, the New Zealand professional electrical engineer, who had published an account of his motor in the "Power to the People" article in the December `92-January `93 issue of the Australian magazine NEXUS.

It was a meeting at which much was said in bars and restaurants wondering about the secrets of the solid-state ferromagnetic energy generator that Floyd Sweet has been working on. Though its inventor did not attend the meeting, the showing of its operation in a video presentation was tantalizing but we left that conference still not knowing enough about how the device was built and how it worked to enable its replication.

Now, months later, confused by stories of pretreatment of magnets by exposure to high voltages and contact with an operating TV screen, our confidence in the promise of that latter project is ebbing. However, the converse applies to the Adams motor project. It has now been replicated by others in several countries and authenticated by public demonstration in a New Zealand trade show.

As you have been advised separately by Robert Adams, I have formed an association with him to cooperate in the onward development and exploitation of that motor technology.

In the intervening period, since we met in Colorado in April, I attended, in August, the 28th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference in Atlanta, Georgia. I reported there in greater detail on the thermodynamic panel concept, item (a) above, and presented an update on the thermoelectric project, (b) above, emphasizing its mode of operation as a very powerful solid-state technique of refrigeration avoiding CFC pollution.

That Atlanta conference lacked the excitement of the Denver event, but it has opened doors that can help in onward progress. From a personal viewpoint I felt at a disadvantage in that I have, for the past five and more years, been following the new energy movement from a theoretical standpoint. The `jewel in the crown' that inspired me from a patent and business motivation viewpoint was my interest as co-inventor in the thermoelectric technology that my associate Scott Strachan was working on in Scotland. His work has been funded and my hope has been to see that venture become the revenue earner that could take the other energy research forward in a business sense.

However, funded only by my pension income and savings, as we older `free energy' enthusiasts usually are, I did find myself at the meeting in Atlanta, with no update technical input to report from Scott Strachan, and wondering why I was there with no recent personal hands-on experimental facts at my disposal. Indeed, in talking to Patrick Bailey at that Atlanta meeting, I vowed not to attend another such conference unless I could report on my own experimental work.

So, having exercised my professional skills and established a patent position on several energy inventions that I was unable to demonstrate as working devices built by myself, I set to last month and began my experimental program with a very limited funding resource. I say this because I feel that some of your readers will wish to repeat the experiments I report below and I simply wish to stress that very little outlay is involved.

My object is to demonstrate the scientific basis and technical feasibility of three `free energy' projects. I direct my comments at those who profess to pass on knowledge to future generations. I am not here going to explain how what is described can be implemented in a practical machine. That will follow later when I progress to that stage. I know what I say has a practical end product because my sole objective is to bridge a knowledge gap to cover the true science lying in that zone between orthodox doctrinaire belief and the working `free energy' machine.

The three target objectives for my three basic experiments are:

  1. The curious fact that our thermoelectric refrigeration device is built with an inherent functional symmetry and yet it always cools on its exposed test heat sink surface, it being noted that the electrical operating unit is mounted on the same panel that constitutes the second heat sink surface. The latter gets hot as the former cools, but, unless Scott Strachan builds a version that separates the electrical operating unit from the second heat sink we shall have to await the clear experimental evidence that, in truth, both surfaces are cooling as the device delivers electrical power!

  2. The source of the over-unity power action of the Adams motor and any such reluctance-type motor which claims more that 100% performance. The physics reason was explained by me at the Denver meeting, but there is need for others to be shown how this is so experimentally.

  3. The many claims of free energy generation by solid-state magnetic devices of historical record, focusing however on the research of Hans Coler, because this was confirmed independently by specialist government investigators.

I shall now outline the three experiments that I have performed, each having separate bearing on one of these topics.

Experiment 1 The THERMOELECTRIC HEAT PUMP experiment
Experiment 2 The OVER-UNITY RELUCTANCE MOTOR experiment
Experiment 3 The SOLID-STATE ENERGY PROBE experiment


In summary, just as with the reluctance motor, one seeks to use a magnet to inject inductive energy into an air gap and then release that energy as mechanical work as the air gap closes, before switching the magnetic interaction off, so, with the x-y system, the object is to (a) promote interaction between the x field and the y field to set up an energy potential at a threshold level, (b) - trigger the release of that energy to a coil on the x direction connected to an output load and (c) allow the x field to recover by drawing on the vacuum energy system before reactivating the interaction with the y field.

I shall now be taking this research forward to reach that ultimate objective of generating energy output by tapping the action that powers ferromagnetism but I hope you and your readers will understand why I have written this letter.

I want to bridge the credibility gap between those who claim the `impossible' and those who decry those claims. In the middle ground there are simple laboratory experiments to be perThr~ed to show the physical basis that underlies what is claimed. Once one gets beyond such laboratory experiments and into technology one has entered the realm of confidentiality and proprietory information that restricts communication. If the academic and university world, in its educational role as the fountain of knowledge, stands aloof because `free energy' is seen as impossible' or actively resist attempts to find funding for such research, then we confront a sorry and unhappy situation. My plea, therefore, addressed to anyone who can understand how a transformer works, is to repeat the middle experiment reported above and see for one's own self that the academic world has buried its head in the sand in a desert that so needs the benefit of over-unity reluctance motor technology.

Ths letter has become too long and you may wonder why I am addressing it to you in this way rather than writing it as a formal paper. I suppose my reason is connected with your personal efforts to arouse the interest by writing to Al Gore, the Vice President of your country. He did not address your concern about the U.S.A. missing out on the `free energy' front. I see that in his reply to you dated June 24th 1993, which you included in your September 1993 Newsletter, he preferred to emphasize how a new generation of educational computer hardware and software can make that revolutionary difference in the classroom. To sum this up he is telling you that technology is new if it helps to teach old technology in a different way. With the right computer software we can all become better educated and share the same knowledge, well formulated and fully in compliance with standard convention.

This is what is so sad about the modern computer age. We have so much information at our fingertips, by pressing the buttons of a keyboard, but I do not believe that any of that vast store of computer data could provide the inspiration needed to see the need for the three experiments I have reported above. So much of the brainpower of the quality that can understand magnetism and see its potential for solving our energy problems has, in fact, gone into computer pursuits, whilst the primary electrical power technology has, for its new ideas, degenerated into historical investigation of unsolved mysteries from the Tesla era. Perhaps, if I had not myself been drawn into the computer industry owing to the declining opportunity for engineering talent in electrical power technology, I might even have contributed to the energy revolution at an earlier date. As it is, I am expecting to find that Hans Coler proves to be the champion in the historical contest for `free energy' fame and I am wondering how those who write the history explaining why Coler's work was treated as an Official Secret will express their findings in that educational computer of the future.

H. Aspden

As I am receiving too many requests for information about the research projects I follow and the costs involved are escalating, I shall be publishing a sequence of Reports under the `ENERGY SCIENCE' banner and supplying these for a nominal charge. My plan is to interest readers also in the theoretical ground work of understanding the vacuum medium which powers the ferromagnet. To this end, and so long as limited supplies last, I offer to anyone who now purchases, directly from me, a copy of my book MODERN AETHER SCIENCE to follow surface mail delivery of that book with a complimentary copy of the first report giving full details of the above experiments, including the mathematical analysis and data. Payment of £15 in pounds sterling (payable to Sabberton Publications) or $25 by check drawn on a U.S. bank (payable to Harold Aspden) is required. Address: Sabberton Publications, P.O. Box 35, Southampton SO9 7BU, England.