*** AntiGravity Propulsion ***
A Faster Stairway to the Stars
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Physics' Greatest Puzzles
Puzzle #2
#2. How can quantum gravity help explain the origin of the Universe?
Two of the great theories of modern physics are the standard model, which uses
quantum mechanics to describe the subatomic particles and the forces they obey ,
and general relativity, the theory of gravity.
Physicists have long hoped that merging the two into a 'Theory-of-Everything' -
quantum gravity - would yield a deeper understanding of the Universe, including
how it 'spontaneously' popped into existence via the Big Bang.
The leading candidate for this merger is
'Superstring' Theory
, or 'M' theory,
as the latest, souped-up version is called (with the M standing for
'membrane' or 'magic' or 'mystery' or 'mother-of-all-theories').
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