*** AntiGravity Propulsion ***
A Faster Stairway to the Stars
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Physics' Greatest Puzzles
Puzzle #3
#3. What is the lifetime of the proton, and how do we understand it?
It used to considered gospel that protons, unlike say, neutrons, live forever, never
decaying into smaller pieces. Then in the 1970's, theorists realized
that their candidates for a Grand-Unified-Theory (GUT), merging all the forces except
gravity, implied that protons must be unstable. Wait long enough,
and, very occasionally, one should break down.
The trick is to catch it in the act. Sitting in underground laboratories,
shielded from cosmic rays and other disturbances, experimenters have whiled away
the years watching large tanks of water, waiting for a proton inside one of the
atoms of water to give up the ghost.
So far, the fatality rate is zero, meaning that either protons are perfectly
stable or their lifetime is enormous - an estimated billion, trillion, trillion years,
or more....
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