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All Photos and Text this page Copyright Vincent Lords 2001

Vincent Lords

Vincent Lords Levitating #1 Vincent Lords Levitating #2 Vincent Lords Levitating #3
Vincent Lords was interviewed on the Art Bell radio show on January 16th, 2002


(by His Friends)

Our cameras were invited to follow Vincent to a secret location called the (Meditation Temple) where Vincent meditates often to clear his mind, body and soul. Two hours into the meditation something we can not explain happened right in front of our own eyes. As you can see we captured an amazing photo that is causing some major controversy! For almost 3 hours we recorded Vincent as he meditated in deep trance. In the photo you can see that it appears as if Vincent is airborne, for the record this was a live shot it has NOT been altered in any way! We witnessed in person what some are calling a miracle. It appears that he is floating in mid-air, Impossible? When asked, Vincent will not say what happened or how it happened other than "Nothing is impossible when you focus." Vincent credits his ability to focus for the success of many of his events like Buried Alive or Walking on Fire where focus can be the fine line between life and death. Did we actually capture a miracle on film or is Vincent the Lord of Illusion? Our camera crew along with several others witnessed something we simply can not explain other than a real miracle.

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All Photos and Text this page Copyright Vincent Lords 2001