*AntiGravity Propulsion*
'Photos Courtesy of
NASA = Hubble Space Telescope'
*** Free-Energy ***
* Paul Brown *
'When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible,
he is almost certainly right. When he
states that something is impossible,
he is very probably wrong!'
* Arthur C. Clarke *
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***Web-Site Up-Dated August, 2000***
***Web-Page Up-Dated August, 2000***

* Paul Brown *
* Resonant Nuclear Battery *
Copyright 1997,1998,1999,2000 by CN Champe
Research Status
Paul Brown: Resonant Nuclear Battery (NUCELL Battery) -
This Resonant Nuclear Battery is a radioisotope electric power system
that absorbs the collapsing magnetic field of alpha and beta radiation and converts it directly to Alternating electrical current.
This effect does not rely on a nuclear reaction or chemical processes
and does not produce radioactive waste products. This
Resonant Nuclear Battery is an LCR resonant circuit oscillating at its
self-resonating frequency with energy supplied by the alpha-beta
collapsing magnetic fields.
A prototype 'NUCELL' the size of a small automobile engine produced
approximately 50 kilowatts!