demonstration was followed by Jim Watson, a research scientist
living in Colorado Springs.Watson presented two working devices
similar to John Bedini's. The smaller device was running during
Watson's entire presentation and the audience could verify that
the battery was being recharged constantly. The larger device,
which weighed 800 pounds, was demonstrated only for 10 minutes
due to practical reasons. During this time a constant load of
12kw could be withdrawn from the device. The device itself was
powered by two 12v car batteries.
Imagine having a small
D.C. electrical motor sitting on your laboratory bench powered by
a common 12 volt battery. Imagine starting with a fully charged
battery and connecting it to the motor with no other power input.
Obviously, the motor is going to run off the battery, but by
conventional thinking it will stop when the battery runs down.
Impossible, you say. Not
at all. That's precisely what I have done and the motor is
running now in my workshop.
It isn't running by the
conventional wisdom of electrical physics. It isn't running by
the conventional rules of electric motors and generators, but it
is running.
It isn't something
complex. It is pretty simple, once one gets the hang of the basic
It is running off the
principles of electromagnetics that Nikola Tesla discovered
shortly before 1900 in his Colorado Springs experiments. It is
running off the fact that empty vacuum - pure
"emptiness", so to speak - is filled with rivers and
oceans of seething energy, just as Nikola Tesla pointed out.
It is running off the fact
that vacuum space-time itself is nothing but pure massless
charge. That is, vcuum has a very high electrostatic scalar
potential - it is greatly stressed. To usefully tap the enormous
locked-in energy of that stress, all one has to do is crack it
sharply and tap the vacuum oscillations that result. The best way
to do that is to hit something resonant that is imbedded in the
vacuum, then tap the resonant stress of the ringing of the vacuum
In other words, we can
ring something at its resonant frequency and, if that something
is imbedded in the vacuum, we can tap off the resonance in vacuum
stress, without tapping energy directly from the embedded system
we rang into oscillation, So what we really need is something
that is deeply imbedded in the vacuum, that is, something that
can translate "vacuum" movement to "mass"
Well, all charged
particles and ions are already imbedded in the vacuum by their
charged fluxes, so stressed oscillations - that is, vacuum
oscillations - can be converted into normal energy of mass
movement by charged particles or ions, if the system of charged
particles or ions is made to resonate in phase with our tapping
"potential". For our purpose, let's use a system of
First we will need a big
accumulator to hold a lot of the charged ions in the system that
we wish to shock into oscillation. We need something that has a
big capacitance and also contains a lot of ions.
An ordinary battery filled
with electrolyte fits the bill nicely. While it is not commonly
known, ordinary lead-acid storage batteries have a resonant ionic
frequency, usually in the range of from 1-6 MHz. All we have to
do is shock-oscillate the ions in the electrolyte at their
resonant frequency and time our "trigger"potential and
"siphon" current correctly. Then if we keep adding
potential to trigger the system we can get all that
"potential" to translate into "free electrical
Look at it this way.
Conventionally "electrostatic scalar potential" is
composed of work or energy per column of charged particle mass.
So if we add potential alone, without the mass flow, to a system
of oscillating charged particles, we add "physical
energy" in the entire charged particle system. In other
words, the "potential" we add is converted directly
into "ordinary energy" by the imbedded ions in the
system. If we are clever we don't have to furnish any pushing
energy to move pure potential around. (For proof that this is
possible, see Bearden's "Toward a New
Electromagnetics; Part IV; Vectors and Mechanisms Clarified",
Tesla Book Co,, 1983, Slide 19, page 43, and the accompanying
write-up, pages 10,11. Also see Y. Aharonov and V. Bohm,
"Significance of Electromagnetic Potentials in the Quantum
Theory", "Physical Review",
Second Series, Vol. 115, No. 3, Aug 1, 1959, pages 485-491. On
page 490 you will find that it's possible to have a field-free
region of space, and still have the potential determine the
physical properties of the system.)
Now this "free energy
resonant coupling" can be done in a simple, cheap system.
You don't need big cyclotrons and huge laboratories to do it; you
can do it with ordinary D.C. motors, batteries, controllers and
trigger circuits.
And that's exactly what I
have done. It's real. It works. It is running now on my
laboratory bench in prototype form.
But that's not all. I am
also a humanitarian. I am concerned for that little old widow
lady at the end of the lane, stretching her meager Social
Security check as far as she can, shivering in the cold winter
and not daring to turn up her furnace because she can't afford
the frightful utility bills.
That's simply got to
change and I may well be the fellow who changes it. By openly
releasing my work in this paper, I am providing enough
information for all the tinkerers and independent inventors
around the world to have at it. If I can get a thousand of them
to duplicate my device, it simply can't be suppressed as so many
others have been.
So here it is. I have
deliberately written my paper for the tinkerer and experimenter,
not for the scientist. You must be careful, for the device is a
little tricky to adjust in and synchronize all the resonances.
You'll have to fiddle with it, but it will work. Keep at it.
Also, we warn you not to
play with this unless you know what you are doing. The resonating
battery electrolyte produces hydrogen, and if you hit it too hard
with a "voltage spike" you can get an electrical spark
inside the battery. If that happens, the battery will explode, so
don't mess with it unless you are qualified and use the utmost
But it does work. So all
you experimenters and pioneers, now's your chance. Have at it.
Build it. Tinker with it. Fiddle it into resonant operation. Then
let's build this thing in quantity, sell it widely, and get those
home utilities down to where we can all afford them - including
the shivering little old lady at the end of the lane.
And when we do, let's give
men like me the credit and appreciation they so richly deserve.
The Institute Of Electrical And Electronics Engineers, Inc
John C Bedini has constructed a laboratory model of a machine in which output energy exceeds input. It consists of a lead-acid battery which powers a small DC motor, which turns a magneto-like dynamo, which provides output energy to an electronics package, which in turn feeds timed (sclar?) pulses back to the battery terminals for recharging. As a demonstration, Bedini then removes the good battery and sequentially inserts fully discharged, dead batteries. Each of the dead batteries eventually receives a full charge. Stated differently, He starts with one good battery and four discharged batteries. At the end of the demonstration all five batteries are fully charged. This author has personally visited Bedini's lab many times , in company with technicians and professors of Physics and Electrical Engineering. None of us has been able to fault Bedini's findings. Each of my professorial friends, however, has requested that their names not be used for attribution, the inference being that their respective universities would not be understanding of heretical concepts.
John Bedini standing by small G-Field generator 1984
Copyright © 1996