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PLANETOPHYSICAL FUNCTION OF VACUUM DOMAINS by A.N. Dmitriev , V.L. Dyatlov , A.V. Tetenov (Geology institute UIGGM, Mathematics institute SB RAS, Gorno-Altaisk state University.)
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1. INTRODUCTION The authors have developed a model of united electrogravidynamics based on the Maxwell's electrodynamics and Heaviside's (Minkovski's, Poincare's) gravidynamics. The model introduces a new object of study --- a vacuum domain (VD) which is being considered, in the general model of the physical vacuum (PV) as it's non-homogeneity or a local modification where the electrodynamics and the gravidynamics are coupled; whereas outside VD there is no such coupling at all. Vacuum domains in the model possess a set of specific features which include penetration through any kind of matter, where the VD's introduce the electric, magnetic, gravitational, spin fields and the distributed angular momentum. Inside the VDs penetrating gravispin waves (gravitons) are transformed into the electromagnetic waves (photons) To all the Earth shells from magnetosphere to mantle the VDs bring electric circuits and discharges, magnetic variations and pulses, mechanical stresses and changes in the velocity and intensity of chemical reactions in atmosphere, heliosphere and lithosphere: all these phenomena being unexplainable by classic theories.. VDs are localized in lithosphere in the conductive and elastic media, where they may produce pulsed heat release ( such as " contact heat explosions" forming kimberlite pipes) and produce enormous torsion stress affecting the nature of tectonophysical processes and the seismic regime of the Earth.
VDs are identified with manifold natural self-luminous objects of different kinds, such as ball lightnings, "plasmoids", poltergeist, tornadoes, "angels", "small comets or atmospheric holes", ionosphere and atmospheric explosions, lithosphere explosion tubes, "sprites", the glows connected with the earthquakes and the volcanic eruptions. That's why the study of natural self-luminous formations provide the experimental foundation for the development of physical and mathematical model of non-homogeneous physical vacuum and vacuum domains.
2. MAIN PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF VACUUM DOMAINS. Phenomenological study of the natural self-luminous objects and other anomalous phenomena connected with them allowed to establish the main physical properties of VDs which are shown in Table 1. These properties are the following: penetration through the matter, self- emission and absorption of light and other electromagnetic radiation in the wide frequency range, the electric field inside and outside of VD that leads to electric breakdowns, magnetic field, the distortion of the gravitational field (levitation, weighting), rotation of the air and the dust inside VD, explosions ( which often do not change the form and the size of VD). We add to these properties the following two:
first, that VD possesses a definite geometric form such as a ball, ellipsoid etc., and second, that frequency of VD encounters grows several times in the years of active Sun.
Physical properties of vacuum domains Table 1
Table 1 shows the following anomalous phenomena:
through the matterGeo-
sphere, ellipso-
id etc.Self-
cence, light absorp-
magnetic emissionElectric field Magnetic field Levita-
tionThe rotation of the air, dust etc. Explo-
tion with the active SunVacuum domains + + + + + + + + + + Ball lightnings + + + + + + - + + + Natural self-luminous objects + + + + + + + + + + Poltergeist + + + - - + - - + - Tornado + - + + + + - + + - "Angels" + - + + - - - - - - "Small comets or atmospheris holes" + - + + - - - - - - Ionospheric and atmospheric explosions + + + - - - - - + - Lithospheric explosion pipes + + + + - - - - + - "Sprites, elves" + + + - + - - - - - Glowings connected with the earthquakes and volcanic eruptions + + + + + - - - + + Thus, in various natural processes on the Earth we meet these strange "natural self-luminous formations" or " ball lightnings". Summing up the main physical properties of these anomalous phenomena we obtain a complete list of their physical properties in which we recognize main physical properties of vacuum domains. Therefore we suppose that all the described phenomena appear as the consequences of the physical processes in the vacuum domains.
- Ball lightnings. The most well-known and studied anomalous phenomenon [1,2]. They display all the physical properties mentioned in Table 1. The papers don't mention the levitation, but it's hard to be observed due to relative smallness of the ball lightning (the diameter is equal to 10-30 cm).
- The natural self-luminous objects, i.e. "plasmoids".These formations are large (10 m and more), and they are definitely self-luminous (fig.1, 2). Most often they appear near crust faults (in the energetically active zones of the Earth). Their physical properties are similar to those of ball lightnings [3]. At the same time the "levitation" is more definitely observable, as , for example , in the case of "Sasovo explosions" described by A.Yu.Olhovatov [4].
- Poltergeist. The anomalous phenomenon connected with a ball-like slightly glowing object that can penetrate through the building walls, causes electric and magnetic fields and is able to cause damage to people [5].
- Tornado. A well known violent rotation movement of the air, which is evidently associated with natural self-luminous formations ( large ball lightnings inside the tornado column) and " swarms of ball lightrnings". [6,7].
- "Angels". A special kind of radar interference [8]. The radar have long since learned to tell "angels" from the "targets", e.g. airplanes and missiles. We have to notice that "angels" are detected some kilometers above tectonic faults whereas "the natural self-luminous formations" are found just above faults. So it's not hard to suppose that they are the same.
- "Small comets or atmospheric holes". Unknown bodies that fall to the Earth from the space. (About 20 each minute, creating "black holes" in upper ionosphere having appr. 30 miles size). They were discovered on ultraviolet images of the Earth made at high altitudes. The discoverers supposed that these objects consist of snow and ice, but this hypothesis was doubted, particularly, by the fact that the tremors on the moon surface that correspond to the collision with such objects had not been detected. Possibly, these objects are also vacuum domains [9,10].
- Ionospheric and atmospheric explosions. These are the natural explosions in the upper atmosphere and in the ionosphere of the earth [5,11].
- Litospheric pipe explosions These kimberlite pipes are the great mystery of the modern geology [12].
- "Sprites", elves, jets. Brief giant flashes in the atmosphere above thunderstorm cloud reaching 100 km height [13] often associated with most intense groups of cloud-to-ground lightnings
- The luminescences associated with the earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. A luminous formations that have intricate time relation to main events: they may appear before after and in the course of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions [14]. Nevertheless these luminous objects accompany almost all of such events.
Pic.1. Largescale NSLF above the Katun' mountain ridge.
The image was made aboard a helicopter on Aug. ,19 , 1972 at 11.local time. The observers' attention was drawn by "whitish shining spots in the direction of mt. Belukha summits". Disk and oval shapes, so distinctly visible on the photo, were not observed visually. An estimate of the objects made using topographic charts of the region , gives more than 1,5 km.Pic.2. "Belokurikha flame"
( the author unknown) by the observers' description " the flame grew up from the Earth, then rolled itself into a bright ball, rapidly flew up and disappeared in the sky". The event happened in the area of fault net concentration of the southeastern part of Belokurikha massif.The model of vacuum domains[15,16] is developed proceeding from the assumption that the physical vacuum is simultaneously electrical, magnetic, and gravitational polarization medium. In fact, this model of PV has appeared in 19-th century, in the vacuum equations of Maxwell electrodynamics [17] and vacuum equations of Heaviside gravidynamics [18] (Poincare [19], Minkovski [20]). The four "inductions" there are to be considered as the four polarizations of PV, namely, electrical, magnetic, gravitational and spin ones. 3. PHYSICAL AND MATHEMATICAL MODEL OF VACUUM DOMAINS.
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