*AntiGravity Propulsion*
'Photos Courtesy of
NASA = Hubble Space Telescope'
*** Free-Energy ***
* Michael Faraday *
'In questions of science, the authority of a thousand
is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual!'
- Galileo Galilei -
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***Web-Site Up-Dated August, 2000***
***Web-Page Up-Dated August, 2000***

* Michael Faraday *
* Rotating-Magnet Electrical Generator *
Copyright 1997,1998,1999,2000 by CN Champe
Research Status
Michael Faraday: Rotating-Magnet Electrical Generator -
This is an alternate electrical generator discovered by Faraday in the 1830's when he also discovered the stationary-magnet/rotating-coil generator. The latter generator is presently the basic device producing nearly all of the electrical power world-wide.
Recent researchers are now claiming that the rotating-magnet generator, as shown above, produces over 100% efficiency and
can thereby be a source of 'Free-Energy' with no resultant pollution. Many of the 'Free-Energy' generators currently being developed,
are based mainly on this original Faraday invention.
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