*AntiGravity Propulsion*
'Photos Courtesy of
NASA = Hubble Space Telescope'
*** Free-Energy ***
* John Ecklin *
All the major breakthroughs come from small guys in back rooms somewhere
doing the impossible, because the big guys know it's impossible
and they've got this rule book that says what will work and what won't work.
* Les Adam *
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***Web-Site Up-Dated July, 2000***
***Web-Page Up-Dated July, 2000***

* John Ecklin *
* Stationary-Armature Generator *
Copyright 1997,1998,1999,2000 by CN Champe
Research Status
John Ecklin: Stationary-Armature Generator -
This device is a motor based on 'Permanent-Magnet Motion-Conversion'.
Spring-loaded reciprocating magnets are alternately
exposed and shielded by a rotating magnetic shield to produce
alternating forces to the crankshafts. The powered
crankshafts can then be used as a source of mechanical energy or
used to turn an electrical generator. There is a useful
net energy gain from this mechanism (i.e. 'Free-Energy').
U.S. Patent No. 3,879,622