This invention by Robert Adams, a New Zealand inventor, is probably the nearest thing to a genuine free energy machine that NEXUS has encountered to date.
In the April-May 93 issue of NEXUS, appended to the article, "Adams Breaks the Gravity Barrier" under the heading, `Note for the Curious', I promised readers a set of drawings which would explain the questions regarding hysterisis, eddy current and magetic drag losses as well as temperature ratings, etc. - these drawings to be accompanied with written explanations concerning the how' and `why' of certain factors.It is with my sincere regret that the above information and drawings will no longer be available to readers on an individual basis, but is briefly outlined in a modified version in this August-September issue of NEXUS.
Those readers who have written to me and sent monies over for copies of this information, are being returned their monies along with this standard announcement.
Subscriptions to this information are now closed as there is now sufficient information published in this article relating to this subject.
I wish my readers to know, however, that I will continue to publish certain other material in NEXUS relating to my inventions, but the certain `how' and `why' factors will he withheld due to circumstances beyond my control.
I am well aware, however, that this announcement will not prevent the intelligent and enthusiastic minds out there from continuing to probe and discover the remarkable secrets of the `Adams PEMG' and continue to wish all my readers and correspondents the ultimate in success.
As the inventor of the `Adams Bulsed Electric Motor Generator', I write this treatise with a view to keeping it uncluttered from unnecessary thcories and mathematics, so that all who read this article, whether they be enthusiasts, engineers or scientists, are able to follow the text, together with its drawings, describing the sequences in various stages of operation of the `Adams Advanced PEMG'.
My various discoveries cover over twenty-five years in the fields of electrical rotary machines, with a total of over sixty years involvement in communications, broacasting and electrical engineering.
It is my desire that as many free energy enthusiasts as possible get into the act of building my original machine whilst, at the same time, conducting their own research. Several people in different countries have already succeeded in building the machine in its original form, as has been outlined in the "Adams Manual", with beyond-unity results. After obtaining satisfying results from the original version, one would then be better equipped to handle the more stringent requirements of the `Advanced', or `Mark II version. A lot of material in this treatise pertains to this `Mark II version, i.e., the `Adams Advanced Motor Generator'.
Losses in conventional electrical machines are too high and are due to magnetic drag, eddy currents and hysterisis, and consequent high operating temperatures.
It was with the above problerms in mind that I was prompted to fid a way of overcoming the aforementioned losses, the result of which evolved in a machine of beyond-unity capabilities.
As the `Adanis Motor' is a pulsed direct-current device, there is no change in polarity of the external source; therefore there are no eddy current losses, and hysterisis loss in the motor is minuscule; with new matials becoming available for stators, the small loss incurred would disapear. It matters little, however, as the machine efficiency is such that such a minuscule loss is negligible.
With reference to magnetic drag, this too is virtually non-existent, due to the unique design of the machine. A rotor pole, upon leaving the attraction area of the stator, is at a precise geometrical point - and is suddenly repulsed, thus overcoming any possibility of magnetic drag taking place.
Having outlined the above, I will now explain something regarding magnetic drag that won't be found in classical teachings or texts: a rotor, once in motion, is mutually attracted to any stator in its path. On leaving the stator area, however, the stator causes a drag-back effect - classical teachings do tell you that much. What classical teaching does not tell you is that the energy in the initial attraction equals exactly that which causes the drag upon leaving the stator area. This is where classical teaching is found wanting. The original attraction and secondary attraction exactly cancel one another out. Magnetic drag, therefore, does not exist in the straight motor version of the `Adams Motor' invention. The machine is pulsed before the trailing edge of the rotor magnet can be affected. Should the timing be a littie out, the effect would be minuscule.
Having discussed the aforementioned factors, there is littie to explain regarding the very low operating temperature of the `Adams Motor', as a result of which it does not require the use of a cooling fan with its own efficiency loss to counter.
It has been noted in New Energy News tInder the title "High Current Brushes", on making use of silver and platinum for commutator and points: this news is not news to me as, during my research in 1976,1 used these materials myself for the above purpose. It appears, however, from this article submitted to New Energy News that the method for their use, being researched, has good prospects. I, for one, look forward to learning of the progress in this direction.
In 1976 I learnt of the high losses of my commutator system and first used silver for the star disc and platinum for the points with considerable success, and having since used photo and magnetic switching with remarkable success. Having, of course, kept my research and experimentation to myself over the past two decades for reasons associatetl in the main with the establishment, and latterly with interationall patent law, I was forced to withhold all my machine's secrets up until my recent decision to publish certain aspects of my work earlier this year.
One would expect magnetic polarity reversal to be instantaneous in a rotary machine between rotor magnet and stator. However, this is not so. I have recently discovered that the reversal is exponential in tnansition from one polarity to another. When this occurs, the magnetic radiation of the rotor pole/s doubles and, with no external power aIplied, there is no magnetism in the stator pole - so it becomes patently logical that the extra energy can only be from the ether (negative-time-nergy).
In the realms of engineering negative energy and negative time, I have anticipated there would be a new world of discoveries at hand and answers to be found to certain phenomna taking place, to which we have all previously been unaccustomed. This anticipation has manifested itself all too soon as, since my first successfull recent attempts at engineering anti-gravity have proven, some interesting phenomena have become revealed, one of which is the process of magnetic polarity reversal, or conversion.
In an endeavour to discover what actually takes place during this 'conversion' of magnetic polarity, I used a magnetic polarity indicator and compass, but both proved worthless, as they simply hunted back and forth due to the pulses of magnetic fields from the machine being in motion.
Subsequent to this attempt, I had meanwhile mude an important discovery concerning magnetic polarity reversal, in that it was not necessary that the machihe he in motion or apply any external energy in oreder for it to bring about the magnetic polarity reversal. From this discovery, I became confident that I further discovered what actually takes place in this region in relation to the reversal phenomenon. In order to implement a test on this, I determined that a slow movement of the rotor by hand would indicate, on the instruments, what would he taking place. This exercise did indeed prove to be of substance, and I will now, here, graphically portray the results.
To deliver power, however, from the negative energy/negative time region, the machine must be in motion and, preferably, operating at certain harmonic speeds. The accompanying drawings give a physical description of the magnetic actions taking place as the rotor magnet reaches the stator and commenes to traverse though the negative energy/negative time region.
In a 180 degree configuration, with two stator poles, the same actions take place simultaneously in reverse magnetic polarity order (as Drawing TD-GOOl, Figure 2, pointers A and B indicate).
1) A rotor south pole, upon approaching an open cincuit stator, is mutually attracted to it, as depicted by Drawing TD-G004,Figure A.
2) When the leading edge of a south pole reaches the edge of a stator (Figure B), it appears, as it begins to move inwards, that the south polarity of the rotor pole is being exponentially reversed to north. In addition, the stator now becomes a temponary magnet, also exponentially becorning a north pole (Figure C). Meanwhile, the rotor magnet is still being attracted up to point zero of the stator (Figure D) and, as the leading edge of the rotor moves from point zero of the stator second-half region (Figure E), it appears that the north polarity strength is now increasing exponentially in this region and, on becoming parallel, i.e. reaching each other face-to-face (Figure F), the magetic polarity reversal is then complete, and both magnet and stator poles are at north polarity. lt is in this region now that the state of and-gravity and negative time exists, with two magnets of like poles attracting each other and creating a gravitational repulsive force at the completion of the magnetic polarity reversal cycle.
There is a specific point of `x' from the stator centre where the machine is pulsed (refer Drawing TD-G001, Figure 1, A & B, pulse angle). Fine tuning the timing at this geometrical point, the machine passes into a state of electromotive resonance where input power drops dramatically and shaft power increases in the negative time and negative energy region.
In all, the machine benefits from four different force actions per revolution and paying a minuscule toll fee for only one.
Firstiy, as depicted by Figure A of Drawing TD-G004, the rotor magnet is mutually attracted to the stator (gets away without paying for that - explained elsewhere - refer paragraph 4 in section headed losses in Electrical Machines'). Secondly, the attraction of the gravitational repulsion forces in the anti- gravity area (as illustrated in Drawing TD-G001, Figure 2, at arrows A & B). Thirdly, from the repulsion pulse of the stator at point `x' (refer to pulse angle of Drawing TD-G001, Figure 1).
Fourthly, the rotor is given a further pulse from the collapsing field (a few degrees from potra `x' in Figure 1).
For maximum possible results from the `Adams Advanced (Mark II) Motor', it is necessary to apply harmonic/resonance equations for the calculation of all parameters including speeds and frequency. With the foregoing parameters met, it is recommended to engage magnetic or photo switching with its low loss, high efficiency properties. Drawing TD-G002, on the left, illustrates a positive `untuned state' and, on the right of the same drawing, a `tuned resonant state', together with a graph showing relative polarity change with component dimension changes. The area within the lower circle of the system indicates both poles are at north polarity (note the two curved arrows at each side of the magnet pole which depict the change that is/has taken place in the negative-time area).
It is possible to engineer the `Adams Advanced (Mark II) PEMG' in such a way that a machine of any desired efficiency may be constructed from 100% up to four figures and beyond.
The term `efficiency' now becomes a matter to be addressed, which I have done in the section headed `Free-Energy Devices and the Term `Efficiency' and its Connotations'.
Permanent magnets do not and can not `do work' - as claimed by certain people.
It is the ether/gravity forces which cause immense attraction and/or repulsion to take place between a permanent magnet and other magnetic material. It is these ether forces that, combining with the captive permanent magnet fields, harness the energy of gravity ether forces, so often erroneously referred to as `work' `done by magnets' (refer to notes on Nikola Tesla at the end of this section).
The magnets in this situation are simply acting `as a gate', making way to the ether for the collection/release of gravitational/ether energy. The pemanent magnet is a component in the system, operating as a `gating device', as explained elsewhere in my writing - the magnet does not generate or create power (refer to Drawing TD-G005).
If magnets were doing `work', they would heat up! The contrary takes place in negative-time systems during operation: rotor magnets drop in temperature below ambient in the above-described enviromnent. Subtracting the drop in temperature of the rotor magnets from any small rise (if any) in stator temperature, due to minuscule hysterisis, would cancel the difference. The deeper the condition of resonance in the system, the lower the temperature of the magnets and stator windings.
When magnets and stators are engineered into negative time, the rotor, upon eclipsing face-to-face with the stator poles, causes a state of negative energy/negative time in that area at that moment in time. Aimost simultaneously there is, in addition, the vector zero stress due to the resonantly-tuned wave trains of the stator pole generated voltage with that of the pulse voltage wave, resulting in a near mirror image.
The negative time/negative energy area between rotor magnet and stator independently causes an increase of 100% magnetic radiation every time a pole of the rotor passes a stator.
In this negative time, gravitational force is reversed; so in negative time, gravity becomes a repulsion force, not an attraction force.
Irrespective of a magnet's gauss rating in a negative time/negative energy device, the area of magnetic radiation can be seen to double when a specific magnet and stator are engineered into `negative time'. This radiation originates at toe centre of the negative time region between the magnet and the stator, and spreads out radially and diminishes in strength as the square of the distance.
The enormous increase in radiation into space, and negative energy developed, is not generated by the magnet, as a lot of people would have you believe. Its source is (again) due to the magnet forming a gate and tapping gravitational energy with the result of gravitational repulsion, as explalned in `Engineering into Negative Time and Negative Energy'.
The area of radiation so covered by a negative time/negative energy device measures always an exact electromagnetic light gravity harmonic distance figure taken from point of origin.
These above statements are not theoretical but are indeed discoveries and results of actual tests and measurements undertaken in the laboratory by myself.
While going through my notes and excerpts on Nikola Teala's findings on Sunday 20 June 1993, I discovered a prepared statement of Tesla's 10 July 1937 work and another from the New York Herald Tribune dated 11 September 1932.
Tesla's statement below, dated 10 July 1937, vindicates completely my statement that magnets do not and can not `do work'. Tesla's statement is:
"There is no energy in matter other than that received from the environment. It applies rigorously to molecules and atoms as well as the largest heavenly bodies and to all matter in the universe in any phase of its existence from its very formation to its ultimate disintegralion."
"A few words will be sufficient in support of this contention. The kinetic and potential energy of a body is the result of motion and determined by the product of its mass and the square of velocity. Let the mass be reduced, the energy is diminished in the same proporlion. If it be reduced to zero, the energy is likewise zero for any finite velocity. In other words, it is absolutely impossible to convert mass into energy. It would be different if there were forces in nature capable of imparting to a mass infinite velocity. Then the product of zero mass with the square of infinite velocity would represent infinite energy. But we know that there are no such forces and the idea that mass is convertible into energy is rank nonsense."
Nikola Tesla's statement of 11 September 1932, New York Herald Tribune is:
"The assumption of the Maxwellian ether was thought necessary to explain the propagation of light by transverse vibrations, which can only occur in a solid. So fascinating was this theory that even at present it has many supporters, despite the manifest impossibility of a medium, perfectly mobile and tenuous to a degree inconceivable, and yet extremely rigid, like steel. As a result, some illusionary ideas have been formed and various phenomena erroneously interpreted. The so-called Hertz waves are still considered a reality, proving that light is electrical in its nature, and also that the ether is capable of transmitting transverse vibrations of frequencies however low. This view has become untenable, since I showed that the universal medium is a gaseous body in which only longitudinal pulses can be propagated, involving alternating compressions and expansions similar to those produced by sound waves in the air. Thus, a wireless transmitter does not emit Hertz waves, which are a myth, but sound waves in the ether, behaving in every rescect like those in the air, except that, owing to the great elastic force and extremely small density of the medium, their speed is that of light."
Although personal friends, Tesla and Einstein did not always agree with each other on certain points. However what Teala is saying here is that though 'E=Mc2', you can't simply choose a lump of mass such as a permanent magnet, place it in a system and extract energy from it, As aforesaid, in Tesla's own words, "the idea that mass is convertible into energy is rank nonsese."
The term `efficiency' or `efficiency losses' relative to an external souree, loses all substance or meaning when considering devices capable or well beyond unity. The term is no longer a yardstick, so to speak' as it becomes a relic of establishment teachings and present-day so-called conservation of energy laws, which now require to he rewritten. We must, therefore, now have a negentropy law.
Losses, if indeed any exist in a beyond-unity device, would be minuscule and of no subsance, due to the output capacity of the device.
In my opinion, the most salient factor to look for in a device clalmed to operate beyond unity, is its operating temperature under full load. This factor tells all, without the initial necessity to carry out exhaustive test procedures.
The matter of temperature or beyond-unity devices brings to mind Tesla's electric car. It is stated in my notes that the machine becnes very hot during operation. This, or course, is to be expected, as the `free-energy section' of the machine is a separate entity to the car motor proper, and in the year 1931, when Tesla tested his "Pierce Arrow" car, conventional DC motors were notoriously inefficient-around the order of 35 percent, - and, incidentally, meanwhile, haven't improved that much. In addition, the confined space would have also been of no help, even with the assistance of a fan, which also had to be used according to his notes.
However, in contrast, my beyond-unity power device (`gravity generator') would be operating at least 2O to 40 degrees Centigrade below ambient. As the father of many discoveries and inventions pertaining to coils, transformers, pulsing systems and electric motors, on reflection it is unfortunate that Tesla hadn't figured out what could be done with his pulsing systems in relation to electric motors. Had he done so, be would not have required (according to Muller) powerfull magnets or a cooling fan.
It is my opinion, after many years' experience in the fire-energy research field, that a table of negative time/negative energy `rating' be formulated in relation to devices using permanent magnets in fire-energy applications. I am, at present, endeavouring to work out a system or magnetic radiation field strength measurement as a possible means or evaluating rotary devices that utilise permanent magnets. A system of this nature would distinguish `beyond- unity shoptalk' from `conventional shoptalk' and the term `efficiency' would remaln relegated to conventional devices. As the future `beyond-unity empire' will grow and mature, so conventionalism, along with its present terminology, will wither and die.
The universe is negentropically organised and is proceeding transfinitely from disorder to order. This is not the concept of energy taught today in college and university camppuses which persist in drumming in the long since foregone notions or Sir Isaac Newton and James Clerke Maxwell. We are, right this very moment, entering a new era of science, somewhat divorced from the trappings the establishment has been peddling for decades. We do not need to `wait upon' the establishant to catch up to us here, for if we did we would still be a century behind in a century's time. It is for the establishment teachings to latch onto us, which they will do - eventually - one day. In the meatime, new science will continue to force ahead regardless, until sheer embarrassment will force classical teaching out the door.
With anti-gravity / beyond-unity devices, we must now go on to reconstitute our scientific laws and introduce a few new ones. As aforementioned, one being a negentropy law within which we must now go on to agree to the use of a more appropriate term of measurement for devices using permanent magnets in free energy applications; and, as aforesaid, the term `rating' comes to mind. For the pupose of thist treatise l will now propose to use the term `beyond-unity rating' or `BUR' as an abbreviation, for the moment.
'Beyond-unity devices' `ratings' should, in my opinion, be according to an accepted table of values, ranging from what is, at present, termed `unity' upwards, and thereby dumping the term `efficiency' completely.
As there is no upper limit of negative energy other than `blastoff and/or `self-annihilation' upon reaching absolute resonance, then a suitable table of values, with a suitable baseline, would be a practical solution. As the term `unity' has been so indelibly engrained, then it would perhaps be suitable as a `base'.
No doubt the establishment will `perform' at my suggestions and/or recommendations on this - so be it. It would only take a small section of the researchers of new science amongst the `beyond-unity circle' to agree upon the adoption of a new system of measurement and/or definition and publish it internationally along with the appropriate table of figure ratings. This would then enable beyond-unity researchers and adherents alike a more realistic platform as a base to work from, whilst still allowing the term `efficiency' to apply to conventional below-unity aparatus.
This adoption of a new and separate system (or law) of the measurnent of over-unity devices will, at the outset, identify and distinguish the subject of beyond-unity from its conventional counterparts and allow beyond-unity and anti-gravity researchers to get on with the job without harrassment from the classical thinkers.
Editor's Notes:
NEXUS has been contacted by several people who claim to have constructed working models of Mr Adams' invention. Unfortunately, most of these people have wished to remain anonymous. However, if you have constructed a working model of Mr Adams' Pulsed Electric Motor Generator, and don't mind being contacted by fellow researchers, then please contact our office and leave us your details.
Source: NEXUS Magazine, August-September 1993
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