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Robert Stirniman's
Antigravity Bibliography - 14
The information on the electrogravitics reference list which is of
particular interest to me are the Laithwaite and Wallace references.
I think my work (Electrical-Dipole Theory of Gravitation) explains what
they were observing and why. Here are some additional references.
-- Ralph Sansbury
Fischbach, Sudarsky, Szafer, Talmadge, and Aronson in
"Reanalysis of the Eotvos Experiment" (Phys Rev Let vol 56 p3 6/1/86)
J.H. Pratt and G.B. Airy 1855 Phil Trans v145
Fredrich Zollner, Explanation of Universal Gravitation through
the Static Action of Electricity and the General Importance
of Weber's Laws, 1882
Immanuel Velikovsky, Cosmos without Gravitation, 1964
V. A. Bailey In the May 14 , 1960 issue of Nature
P.M.S. Blackett In the May 17, 1947 issue of Nature
T. Gold in a later issue (April 2, 1949) of Nature
Henry Wallace US patent number 3 626 605
P.S. Wesson Phys Rev D v23 p1730 (1981)
Sansbury R.N. Electrical Engineering Times (12/28/87)
Sansbury R.N. US patent number 4,355,195
Sansbury R.N. Rev. Sci. Instr. (3/85)
Bartlett D.F. Rev.Sci. Instr. (10/90)
Peter Graneau, Nature v295 1982 p311
Weiskopf M.C., Carrico, Gould, Lipworth and Stein, Physical
Review Letters 1968, vol21 p1645
Coles and Good, Physical Review 1946 p979
Kaufmann W. p502 in World of the Atom by H. Bourse and L. Motz
W.J. Duffin, Electricity and Magnetism Wiley 1973
R.A. Tricker, Early Electrodynamics Pergamon Oxford 1965
Paper: gr-qc/9410019
From: Peter Marzlin
Date: Mon, 17 Oct 94 12:50:28 +0100
Karl-Peter Marzlin, 10 pages, LaTeX
The dipole coupling term between a system of N particles with total
charge zero and the electromagnetic field is derived in the presence
of a weak gravitational field. It is shown that the form of the
coupling remains the same as in flat space-time if it is written
with respect to the proper time of the observer and to the
measurable field components. Some remarks concerning the connection
between the minimal and the dipole coupling are given.
The level of difficulty in the above paper is well beyond my grasp. But
what is clear is that it presents an analysis which strongly suggests that
the textbook wavefunctions for electrons within atomic matter can be best
described by the dipole coupling rather than the coulomb gauge. The paper
also relates the dipole coupling to a weak gravitational field. The last
paragraph of the paper provides substance to the idea that gravity is
at least in part, an electric dipole phenomena. Here is the last paragraph:
"It is interesting to make a comparison of the present results with
the well known formal equivalence between the Maxwell field in curved
space and in a dielectric medium (23). In this approach one defines a
formal dielectric displacement vector to describe the influence of
gravity on the Maxwell field. In the absence of particles, i.e. for
vanishing polarisation P, the formal electric displacement agrees with
the vector delta defined above. Also the coupling of the Poynting
vector to the rotation occurs in the energy of the formal Maxwell field."
The paper referenced (23) is:
A.M. Volkov, A.A. Izmest'ev, and G.V. Skrotskii,
Soviet Physics JETP 32, page 686, (1971)
Note: There are a variety of other theories and experiments which
attempt to show that a static gravitational field is identical
to that which results from electric dipole moments -- a polarisation
of the vacuum. And conversely, it is well know that if you accelerate
a dielectric material, or in "equivalence" subject a dielectric
material to a gravitational field or other mechanical force -- an
electric field due to dipole moment (polarisation P) will be generated
within the material. This effect is especially prevalent in structured
crystal dielectrics (piezoelectric materials), which are used as
transducers in accelerometer sensors. You can also find piezoelectric
material, and conversion of mechanical force to a high voltage electric
field, in push-button spark igniters used on gas grills and cigarette
Here's a thought. To enlighten those folks who continue to
stubbornly try to debunk the evident relationship between
gravitation and electromagnetics -- insert one of these spark
igniters in a neuro-sensitive body cavity, and click it as
many times as necessary.
One issue with the electrostatic dipole hypothesis is that
once the magnetic effects of spin etc have been considered there
is no evidence of such dipoles inside atomic nuclei and
electrons. However if magnetic properties of nuclei and electrons
can be represented in terms of electrostatic dipoles as recent
experiments and theoretical discussion seem to indicate then
this objection is avoided. The dipole can be produced by a
negatively oriented particle orbiting a positive central
particle so that the combination has a net positve charge (see
Rev Sci Instr Mar 1985 and Geomagnetism: Gravity Measured by
Magnetic Materials, ICP Press, Box 492 NY NY 10185 $25US 1994
by R Sansbury) An added benefit: the observed quadrapole in
nuclei and electrons makes more sense in a physically real
Taylor expansion by the inclusion of an observed dipole term as
well; that is the dipole term is not observed because its
effects are wrongly attributed to another cause, magnetism; thus
magnetism is properly regarded as a derived apparently separate
force like the Coriolis sideways force on bodies moved radially
on a rotating platform.
-- Ralph Sansbury
About electric dipole precession. The article "Electricity" in Britannica
includes a resonance equation for dipole precession in dielectrics. It was
identical in form to the one used in magnetic resonance, except for the
obvious differences in units. Dielectric precession (resonance) frequencies
were in the optical range.
Brown didn't use resonance; but he did use a steady frequency. His
frequency, too, would damp out if it were discontinued. Greater results
than Brown's could probably be achieved with lasers. But I doubt you'll
find a better description of dielectric dipole resonance. The Britannica
article gives the mathematics.
van der Waals force (J.D. van der Waals) --
Forces responsible for the non-ideal behavior of gases, and for
the lattice energy of molecular crystals. There are three
causes: dipole-dipole interaction; dipole-induced dipole
moments; and dispersion forces arising because of small
instantaneous dipoles in atoms.
"The Electric Dipole Moment of the Electron", Bernreuther & Suzuki,
Reviews of Modern Physics, April 1991 vol 63 no 2
-- An electron or any other elementary particle can possess an
electric moment (EDM) only by virtue of an interaction that
violates parity and time-reversal invariance. The question
of whether an electron EDM exists is thus related directly
to the unsolved problem of CP violation. According to the
standard model, in which CP violation is accounted for in
terms of the Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix, the electron EDM is
predicted to be far too small to be observed experimentally.
However, a number of alternative teoretical models of CP
violation predict larger values of the electron EDM. These
models are of special interest now, when experimental limits
on the electron EDM are improving substantially.
"The Electron Electric Dipole Moment for a CP-violating Neutral
Higgs Sector", J.F. Gunion, Physics Letters: Part 8, Nov 8 1990
"New Experimental Limit on the Electron Electric Dipole Moment",
Abdullah & Commins, Physical Review Letters, Nov 5 1990
"The Standard Model Prediction for the Electric Dipole Moment of
the Electron", F. Hoogeveen, Nuclear Physics B, Sep 10 1990
"Electric Dipole Moment of the Electron and the Neutron", S.M Barr,
Physical Review Letters, July 2 1990, Vol 65 No 1
"Effective Hamiltonian for the Electric Dipole Moment of the Neutron",
Boyd, Gupta & Trivedi, Physics Letters: Part 8, May 24 1990
"A search for the Electric Dipole Moment of the Neutron", K.F. Smith,
Physics Letters: Part 8, Jan 4 1990, Vol 234 No 1/2
"Interpretation of the Neutron Electric Dipole Moment: Possible
Relationship to Epsilon", Booth, Briere & Sachs, Physical Review D
Jan 1 1990, Vol 41 No 1
"Inclusion of the Toroidal-Moment Contribution in the Probability
of the Electric Dipole Transition", R.G. Nazmitidinov, Soviet
Journal of Nuclear Physics, Sep 1 1990, Vol 53 No 2
But what is the thing in atomic nuclei that collectively
produces the gravitational field of the Earth etc. and which
causes individual nuclei to react in the prescribed manner?
The hypothesis proposed is that atomic nuclei contain small
electrostatic dipoles (10^-37C.-m.) with radial and longitudinal
components transverse to the west to east spinning direction of
the Earth etc. Such dipoles explain the nuclear magnetic moment
and electrostatic quadrapole moment inferred from the hyperfine
spectra emitted by some excited atoms and the deflection of molecules
such as orthohydrogen in a magnetic field (but not parahydrogen
because the magnetic moments are anti parallel in pairs and cancel)
The Cavendish measurement of the horizontal gravitational
force between two lead spheres instead of being attributed to
the small masses of each can be attributed to the small
horizontal component of the radial force, directed to the center
of the Earth, due to the mass of the Earth on each of the small
masses. That is gravity is not a property of mass per se but
only of spinning mass.
The atomic nuclei of all elements, except iron, cobalt, and
nickel primarily, tend to line up in the direction of the
surrounding atomic nuclei when the bulk object of which they are
a part is moved but in the case of the magnetic elements the
bulk material must also move to complete the required alignment,
hence the north south and downward movement of a magnetized
steel compass needle. Hence the Wilson-Blackett proportionality
between the angular momentum of planets, stars etc and their
magnetic moment where the constant of proportionality is the
square root of the gravitational constant divided by the speed
of light. For more information see Science News Aug 6 '94 p82.
- Ralph Sansbury
Edward Teller, "Electromagnetism and Gravitation", Proceeds of the
National Academy of Science, Vol 74 No 4, Pages 2664-2666.
In this paper Dr Teller suggests some clues about the coupling
between electromagnetism and gravitation. In the first part of his
paper Teller describes how an electric field due to polarization
can be induced in a dielectric material which is subject to angular
or linear acceleration, or if subject to a gravitational field. In
the second part of the paper Teller describes, using purely dimenensional
analysis, how a magnetic field might be produced by a spinning mass.
He also comments that the magnitude of this magnetic field might be
exceedingly small, and notes that a "numerical" factor could exist
which might act to increase the magnitude of the field.
(Note: It is speculated by others that alignment of microscopic
particles with the macroscopic spin axis of the earth, could result
in a large "numerical" factor. Fact is, the earth does have a fairly
large measurable magnetic field, about which there are a variety of
theories as to the origin.)
Paper: hep-th/9506049
From: HORIE@dipmza.physik.Uni-Mainz.DE
Date: Thu, 08 Jun 1995 11:23:23 +0100
Title: New Insight into the Relation between Torsion and Electromagnetism
Author: Kenichi Horie (Mainz Univ.)
Report-no: MZ/TH 95-16
In several unified field theories the torsion trace is set equal to
the electromagnetic potential. Using fibre bundle techniques we show
that this is no leading principle but a formal consequence of
another geometric relation between space-time and electromagentism.
From: HORIE@VIPMZw.physik.Uni-Mainz.DE
Date: Sat, 03 Sep 1994 10:27:48 +0100
A complete geometric unification of gravity and electromagnetism is
proposed by considering two aspects of torsion: its relation to spin
established in Einstein--Cartan theory and the possible
interpretation of the torsion trace as the electromagnetic
potential. Starting with a Lagrangian built of Dirac spinors,
orthonormal tetrads, and a complex rather than a real linear
connection we define an extended spinor derivative by which we
obtain not only a very natural unification, but can also fully
clarify the nontrivial underlying fibre bundle structure. Thereby a
new type of contact interaction between spinors emerges, which
differs from the usual one in Einstein--Cartan theory. The splitting
of the linear connection into a metric and an electromagnetic part
together with a characteristic length scale in the theory strongly
suggest that gravity and electromagnetism have the same geometrical
"Gauge Invariant Electromagnetic Coupling with Torsion Potential", Richard
T. Hammond, General Relativity and Gravitation, Vol 23 No 11 1991
Electromagnetism is coupled to torsion in a gauge invariant manner
by relaxing minimal coupling and introducting into the Lagrangian a
term bilinear the electromagnetic field tensor and its torsion potential.
The resulting coupling between electromagnetism and torsion is examined
and a solution corresponding to traveling coupled waves is given. Since
torsion is usually regarded as resuting from the spin of a body, this
might establish a classical relationship between charge and spin. The
results suggest that the effect should be looked for in high intensity
electric fields of low frequency.
"Detecting Torsion from Massive Electrodynamics", L.C. Garcia de Andrade,
and M. Lopes, General Relativity and Gravitation, Vol 25 No 11 1993
A new method of detecting torsion in the case of massive electrodynamics
is proposed. Several authors have proposed methods for the detection of
torsion in theories of the Einstein-Cartan type, and also in theories
where the torsion field propogates. These theories are based on the
studies of Dirac test particles, which have spin like the electron,
and the gyroscope-like precession of these atomic particles. The
interaction energy between the torsion vector Q, and an electric dipole p,
is given by (p dot Q).
AUTHOR(s): de Andrade, L.C. Garcia
TITLE(s): Electron gyroscopes to test torsion gravity?
In: Il nuovo cimento delle societa italiana di fisic
OCT 01 1994 v 109 n 10 Page: 1123
AUTHOR: De Sabbata, Venzo.
TITLE: Spin and Torsion in Gravitation
by Venzo de Sabbata, and C. Sivaram.
PUBL.: Singapore ; River Edge, NJ : World Scientific,
FORMAT: xii, 313 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.
DATE: 1994
SUBJECTS: Torsion, Gravitation
AUTHOR: De Sabbata, Venzo.
TITLE: Introduction to Gravitation
by Venzo de Sabbata and Maurizio Gasperini.
PUBL.: Singapore ; Philadelphia : World Scientific,
FORMAT: ix, 346 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.
DATE: 1985
SUBJECTS: General relativity, Torsion, Gravitation
AUTHOR: NATO Advanced Study Institute on Cosmology and Gravitation
(1979: Bologna, Italy)
TITLE: Cosmology and Gravitation: Spin, Torsion, Rotation, and
Edited by Peter G. Bergmann and Venzo De Sabbata.
PUBL.: New York : Plenum Press : NATO Scientific Affairs Division,
FORMAT: ix, 510 p. : ill. ; 26 cm.
DATE: 1980
SERIES: NATO Advanced Study Institutes Series v 58 Series B Physics
CONFERENCE :International Conference on Magnetic and Electric Resonance
and Relaxation (1962: Eindhoven)
TITLE :Magnetic and electric resonance and relaxation; proceedings of
the XIth Colloque Ampere, Eindhoven, July 2-7, 1962.
PUBLISHED :Amsterdam, New York, North-Holland Pub. Co.; Interscience
Publishers, 1963.
DESC :xi,789p. illus.,diagrs.,tables. 24cm.
The Lorentz-Dirac equation is a purely classical expression for the
electromagnetic force on a point charge, including the self-force from
the particle's own radiation. It's a strange equation, with solutions
that are manifestly unphysical under certain circumstances. If you
want to know more about it, you might want to look at:
S. Parrott, Relativistic Electrodynamics and Differential Geometry,
Springer-Verlag, 1987.
PHYS. REV. D50 (1994 3867) (Sean Carroll)
Tue, 29 Mar 1994 19:57:32 -0500
We discuss the possibility of constraining theories of gravity in
which the connection is a fundamental variable by searching for
observational consequences of the torsion degrees of freedom. In a
wide class of models, the only modes of the torsion tensor which
interact with matter are either a massive scalar or a massive spin-1
boson. Focusing on the scalar version, we study constraints on the
two-dimensional parameter space characterizing the theory. For
reasonable choices of these parameters the torsion decays quickly
into matter fields, and no long-range fields are generated which
could be discovered by ground-based or astrophysical experiments.
Date: Sun, 02 May 93 12:55:30 BCN
Invariant connections with torsion on simple group manifolds S are
studied and an explicit formula describing them is presented. This
result is used for the dimensional reduction in a theory of
multidimensional gravity with curvature squared terms on M^{4} times S.
We calculate the potential of scalar fields, emerging from extra
components of the metric and torsion, and analyze the role of the
torsion for the stability of spontaneous compactification.
Subject: Antigravity in Jane's
From: "Terry Colvin"
"All those interested in advanced propulsion concepts should check out
Jane's Defence Weekly, 10 June 1995. An article discusses anti-gravity
schemes and shows drawings of sauceroid vehicles from British Aerospace
among others. Area 51 is mentioned, as well as an unclassified paper done
for the USAF by Science Applications International Corp. in 1990. The
subject was [Electric Propulsion], a[n] euphemism for anti-gravity
according to Jane's. Michael Flora"
Anti-Gravity for Real -- Discussed in Jane's Defence Weekly
Jane's Defence Weekly is a most respected journal in the
defense industry. Jane's has often been the first to break
the news about secret development of radically new technologies
and equipment.
Jane's Defence Weekly of 10 June 1995, has an article about
advanced aerospace technologies, written by Nick Cook. The idea
of anti-gravity is taken seriously and is auspicously present
throughout the article -- including three artist renditions of
future anti-gravity based craft.
The Jane's article commences with a mention of anti-gravity
technology, and also ends with a few paragraphs discussing
anti-gravity. In between is the bulk of the article, which
consists of discussion of "conventional" subjects, including:
Hypersonics, Gas Turbine Inrements, The Super Cockpit, and Stealth.
At the start of the Jane's article there is some information
from the Gravity Rand Report on Electrogravitics which was done
for the USAF in 1956, and was recently declassified. Here's
an excerpt from the beginning of the Jane's article.
Take this example from a specialist US aviation magazine in
1956. "We're already working with equipment to cancel out
gravity," Lawrence D Bell, founder of the company that bears
his name was quoted as saying. Bell, apparently, was not the
only one working in this field. Others said to be seeking to
master this arcane 'science' included the Glenn L Martin
Company, Convair, Lear, and Sperry Gyroscope. Within a few
years we were assured, aircraft, cars, submarines and power
stations would all be driven by this radical new propulsion
technology. Sadly it was not to be.
Here's the ending section of the Jane's article.
Groom Lake Nevada is the epicentre of classified USAF research
into Stealth and other exotic aerospace technologies. Several
years after the collapse of the Soviet threat, activity and
investment at this remote, highly secret air base (so secret
its prescence is, as yet, unacknowledged by the US government)
is still on the increase. While research into less sensitive
technologies such two-dimensional thrust-vectoring and advanced
short take-off and vertical landing (ASTOVL) are pursued in the
open at nearby Edwards AFB in California, Groom Lake is set to
hang onto its secrets. The USAF's recent confiscation of 1600
acres of public land bordering the facility is consistent with
the Pentagon's desire to maintain its lead in quantum leap
technologies -- some of which, according to well qualified
observers in and around the Nevada area, defy current thinking
into the predicted direction of aerospace engineering.
That aerospace ocmpanies continue to look at highly radical
alternative air vehicle concepts is evidence of the ongoing
quest for breakthrough designs. Glimpses into this world are
rare, but provide some insight into likely 21st century research
activity. The 1990 unclassified 'Electric Propulsion Study'
(a quest for antigravity propulsion system by another name)
conducted by the USA's Science Application International Corp
(SAIC) on behalf of USAF's then Astronautics Laboratory at
Edwards AFB shows that USAF visionaries are still being given
free reign. Until recently BAe (British Aerospace) also provided
internal resources for its own anti-gravity studies and even
went so far as to outline this thinking with artists' concepts --
a case of Lawrence Bell's vision perhaps being not so wide of
the mark after all.
Before he died, Ben Rich, who headed Lockheed's Skunk Works from
1975-1991, was quoted as saying: "We have some new things. We are
not stagnating. What we are doing is updating ourselves, without
advertising. There are some new programmes, and there are certain
things -- some of them 20 to 30 years old -- that are still
breakthroughs and appropriate to keep quiet about. Other people
don't have them yet.
Thirty years from now, we may still not know the half of what is
currently being tested in and around Groom Lake.
Copyright 1995, Jane's Defence Weekly, All rights reserved.
/* The above information is transmitted under the "Fair Use" rulings
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