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Robert Stirniman's
Antigravity Bibliography - 16

The Hughes-Drever experiment was conducted in 1959-1960 independently
    by Vernon Hughes and collaborators at Yale University, and by Ron
    Drever at Glasgow University. In the Glasgow version, the experiment
    examined the ground state of the lithium-7 nucleus in an external
    magnetic field. The state has total angular momentum quantum number
    3/2, and thus is spolit into four equally spaced levels by the magnetic
    field. When the nucleus undergoes a transition between a pair of adjacent 
    levels, the photon emitted has the same energy or frequency, no matter
    which pair of levels was involved. The result is a single narrow spectral
    line. Any external perturbation of the nucleus that is associated with
    a preferred direction in space, such as the motion of the Earth relative
    to the mean rest frame of the universe, will destroy the equality of the 
    energy spacing between the four levels, since the nuclear wave functions
    of the four levels have different spacial dependencies relative to 
    the magnetic field. Using nuclear magnetic resonance techniques, the 
    experiments set a limit on the separation or spread in frequency of line 
    that corresponded to a limit on anistropy or bidirectional dependence
    in the energy of the nucleu at the level of one part in 10^23.
    -- Clifford Will, Chapt 2 of The New Physics, edited by Paul Davies

    Magnetic resonance in its various forms, NMR, EPR, and EFR, are
    all applied to relatively small specimens and, with the exception of
    EFR, are rarely applied to magnetic materials. EFR means Electron
    Ferromagnetic Resonance, and the best intro to this subject is by
    Vonsovskii. Curiously, there is no published data on EFR for large
    ferromagnetic specimens. A literature search at a campus of the
    University of California revealed nothing. F. Herlach has said
    that there is an 'open' literature and a 'closed' literature
    concerning magnetic research.
    -- Larry Adams

    A body which is spinning within a larger macroscopic body 
    which is also spinning will tend to align the axis of its 
    angular momentum with the angular momentum of the larger body. 

    For example, a gyroscope located on the earth, unless it is
    in a frictionless gimbal, with always try to precess due to
    the rotation of the earth into alignment with the earth's polar 
    axis, at which point it will no longer precess due to earth 
    Another example, a cylinder of magnetic material spinning 
    around its longitudinal axis will develop a magnetic field 
    proportional to is angular velocity (Barnett Effect), because 
    the angular momemtum of the electrons in the material will 
    attempt to precess and come into alignment with the macroscopic 
    axis of the spinning cylinder, which also brings into alignment 
    the magnetic moment of the electrons, some of which have unpaired 
    spins (ferromagnetic), resulting in generation of a macroscopic 
    magnetic field. Similarly, it is know that a static magnetic field 
    itself contains angular momentum -- and spinning the source of the 
    static field, whether a magnet or DC current loop, will result
    in a corresponding increase or decrease in the field strength.

    Another example is the inventions of Henry Wallace. Wallace 
    found that if you spin a material which has an odd number of
    nucleotides, i.e. having an "un-paired" value of angular 
    momentum, resulting in a nucleus with a multiple integer of a 
    one-half value of quantum momentum. The spin in the nucleus will 
    begin to line up with the macroscopic spin axis, and will create 
    an unusual force field related to gravity -- which he call a 
    "kinemassic" field.

    Maybe I've missed it, but I've looked seriously, and there seems 
    to be no information in undergraduate or graduate level physics
    reference books which mentions the relationship between
    macroscopic and microscopic angular momentum -- much less 
    provides any analysis or explanation linking quantum angular 
    momentum to macroscopic angular momentum. Why not?
    How does quantum angular momentum become organized from a 
    microscopic to a macroscopic level? Has anyone ever published 
    any work about this? I can't find any.
    Date: Sun, 5 Nov 1995 
    From: James Youlton 
      To: Robert Stirniman 
      Re: Angular Momentum and the Barnett Effect

    On Wed, 1 Nov 1995, Robert Stirniman wrote:
    > Maybe I've missed it, but I've looked seriously, and there seems 
    > to be no information in undergraduate or graduate level physics
    > reference books which mentions the relationship between
    > macroscopic and microscopic angular momentum -- much less 
    > provides any analysis or explanation linking quantum angular 
    > momentum to macroscopic angular momentum. 

    You're catching on.  The subject of compound angular momentum, or 
    internal and external angular momentum, or intrinsic and extrinsic 
    angular momentum has been a repressed subject for about 2 and half 
    decades.  Add to that list, spherical pendulums, Coriolis effect, except 
    as applied to balistics and meteorology as used by the US military, 
    and Shafer's pendulum, that neat little device used as the artifical 
    horizon of aircraft.

    > How does quantum angular momentum become organized from a 
    > microscopic to a macroscopic level? Has anyone ever published 
    > any work about this? I can't find any.

    There isn't any that I know of, though back in the late fifties, there 
    was a fellow named Edward Condon at the University of Colorado who was 
    fairly proficient on the subject. So much so that he wrote the rotational 
    dynamics section, called noninertial dynamics at the time, of the 
    reference "The Handbook of Physics" which he also co-edited (Chapter 5).   
    I don't recall offhand who the publisher was (Harcourt/Brace?), though 
    it was endorsed by the American Institute of Physics.
    Later, when Mr Condon was the head of the USAF project 'Blue Book', he 
    labored to supress his own work when the directive was handed down from 
    the Navy's Turtle Island project.
    -- James Youlton

    Condon directed a government UFO project, but was never the head of 
    Blue Book. That position was held, for most or perhaps all of Blue Book's 
    life, by an Air Force Officer Named Edward Ruppelt. Blue Book was shut 
    down in 1969, shortly after the report of the project Condon directed, 
    "Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects".
    -- Jim Giglio

      AUTHOR:     Cousins, Frank W.
      TITLE:      The anatomy of the gyroscope : a report in 3 parts comprising 
                  a literature and patent survey directed to the gyroscope
                  and its applications / by Frank W. Cousins ; edited by
                  John L. Hollington.
      PUBL.:      Neuilly-sur-Seine, France : North Atlantic Treaty         
                  Organization, Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and
      FORMAT:     296 p. (in various pagings) ; 30 cm.
      DATE:       1988
      SERIES:     AGARDograph no. 313
      AUTHOR:     Leimanis, E. (Eugene)
      TITLE:      The general problem of the motion of coupled rigid bodies 
                  about a fixed point.
      PUBL.:      Berlin, New York, Springer-Verlag,
      FORMAT:     xvi, 337 p. illus. 24 cm.
      DATE:       1965
      SERIES:     Springer tracts in natural philosophy. v. 7
      SUBJECT     Dynamics, Rigid Gyroscopes, Two-body problem, Astrodynamics

    AUTHOR(s):       de Andrade, L.C. Garcia  
    TITLE:           Electron gyroscopes to test torsion gravity?  
               In:   Il nuovo cimento delle societa italiana di fisic  
                     OCT 01 1994 v 109 n 10  Page 1123  

    AUTHOR(s):       Abe, Hiroshi  Yoshida, Tetsuo  Turuga, Kikuo  
    TITLE:           Piezoelectric-ceramic cylinder vibratory gyroscope.  
               In:   Japanese journal of applied physics.  part 1,  r  
                     SEP 01 1992 v 31 n 9B  Page 3061  
    AUTHOR(s):       Case, William B.  Shay, Michael A.  
    TITLE:           On the interesting behavior of a gimbal-mounted gyroscope. 
               In:   American journal of physics.  
                     JUN 01 1992 v 60 n 6  Page 503  
    AUTHOR(s):       Zhuravlev, V.F.  
    TITLE:           Nutational self-oscillation of a free gyroscope.  
               In:   Mechanics of solids.  
                     1992 v 27 n 6  Page 11  
    AUTHOR(s):       Chang, C.O.  Chou, C.S.  
    TITLE:           Partially Filled Nutation Damper for a Freely Processing
               In:   Journal of guidance, control, and dynamics.  
                     SEP 01 1991 v 14 n 5  Page 1046  
    AUTHOR(s):       Chang, C.O.  Chou, C.S.  Liu, L.Z.  
    TITLE:           Stability analysis of a freely precessing gyroscope
                       carrying a mercury ring damper.                            
               In:   Journal of sound and vibration.  
                     MAY 08 1991 v 146 n 3  Page 491  

    AUTHOR(s):       Imanishi, Akira  Maruyama, Koichi  Midorikawa, Shoichi  
    TITLE:           Observation against the Weight Reduction of Spinning
               In:   Journal of the physical society of japan.  
                     APR 01 1991 v 60 n 4  Page 1150  
    AUTHOR(s):       Petry, Walter  
    TITLE:           Angular Momentum and Gyroscope in Flat Space-Time Theory of
               In:   Astrophysics and space science.  
                     JAN 01 1991 v 175 n 1  Page 1  
    AUTHOR(s):       Zhivkov, A.I.  
    TITLE:           Geometry of invariant manifolds of a gyroscope in the field
                       of a quadratic potential.                                  
               In:   Mathematics of the USSR:  Izvestija.  
                     1991 v 37 n 1  Page 227  
    AUTHOR(s):       Hayashi, Kenji  Shirafuji, Takeshi  
    TITLE:           Frame-Dragging Precession of Orbiting Gyroscopes in New
                       General Relativity and Possible Violation of Equivalence
               In:   Progress of theoretical physics.  
                     DEC 01 1990 v 84 n 6  Page 1074  

    AUTHOR(s):       El-Sabaa, F.M.  
    TITLE:           On the Periodic Motion of a Gyroscope Supported by Cardan
               In:   al-Majallah al-Arabiyah lil-ulum wa-al-handasa  
                     JUL 01 1990 v 15 n 3  Page 495  
    AUTHOR(s):       Moffat, J.W.  Brownstein, J.R.  
    TITLE:           Spinning test particles and the motion of a gyroscope
                       according to the nonsymmetric gravitation theory.          
               In:   Physical review.  D,  Particles and fields.  
                     MAY 15 1990 v 41 n 10  Page 3111  
    AUTHOR(s):       Nitschke, J.M.  Wilmarth, P.A.  
    TITLE:           Null result for the weight change of a spinning gyroscope. 
               In:   Physical review letters.  
                     APR 30 1990 v 64 n 18  Page 2115  
    AUTHOR(s):       Faller, J. E.  Hollander, W. J.  Nelson, P. G.  
    TITLE(s):        Gyroscope-weighing experiment with a null result.  
               In:   Physical review letters.  
                     FEB 19 1990 v 64 n 8  Page 825  
    AUTHOR(s):       Rumyantsev, V.V.  
    TITLE:           Stability of permanent rotations of a nonsymmetric
                       liquid-filled gyroscope.                                   
               In:   Mechanics of solids.  
                     1990 v 25 n 6  Page 1  
    AUTHOR(s):       Panayotounakos, D.E.  Theocaris, P.S.  
    TITLE:           On the Decoupling and the Solutions of the Euler Dynamic
                       Equations Governing the Motion of a Gyroscope.             
               In:   Zeitschrift fur angewandte Mathematik und Mechan  
                     1990 v 70 n 11  Page 489  
    AUTHOR(s):       Hayasaka, Hideo  Takeulchi, Sakae  
    TITLE:           Gravitation and Astrophysics.  
    Summary:         Anomalous weight reduction on a gyroscope's right rotations
                       around the vertical axis on the Earth.                     
               In:   Physical review letters.  
                     DEC 18 1989 v 63 n 25  Page 2701  
    AUTHOR(s):       Laithwaite, Eric  
    TITLE:           Propulsion by Gyro.  
    Summary:         In an attempt to reveal the strange, hidden properties of
                       gyroscopes, Professor Eric Laithwaite explains the physics
                       behind the idea that a propulsion system could be built
                       using gyros.                                               
               In:   Space.  SEP 01 1989 v 5 n 5  Page 36  
    AUTHOR(s):       Vitale, S.  Bonaldi, M.  Falferi, P.  
    TITLE:           Magnetization by rotation and gyromagnetic gyroscopes.  
    Summary:         We discuss how the general phenomenon of magnetization by
                       rotation may be used probe the angular velocity of the
                       laboratory with respect to a local frame of inertia. We
                       show that gyroscope with no moving parts based on this
               In:   Physical review  B:  Condensed matter.  
                     JUN 01 1989 v 39 n 16 p B  Page 11993  
    AUTHOR(s):       Aspden, H.  
    TITLE:           Anti Gravity Electronics.  
    Summary:         Reinterpretation of Newton's Third Law of Motion suggests
                     that it depends upon and electronic action. Electronic
                     interaction therefore explains the paradoxical anti-gravity
                     properties of the force processed gyroscope.               
               In:   Electronics & Wireless World. 
                     JAN  01, 1989 v 95 n 1635  Page 29  

    AUTHOR(s):       Sachs, Mendel  
    TITLE:           The Precessional Frequency of a Gyroscope in the
                       Quaternionic Formulation of General Relativity.            
               In:   Foundations of physics.  
                     JAN 01 1989 v 19 n 1  Page 105  
    AUTHOR(s):       Medvedev, A.V.  
    TITLE:           Motion of a rapidly run-up gyroscope acted upon by a
                       constant moment in a resistive medium.                     
               In:   Mechanics  of solids.  
                     1989 v 24 n 2  Page 21  
    AUTHOR(s):       Starzhinskii, V.M.  
    TITLE:           An exceptional case of motion of the Kovalevskaia
               In:   PMM, Journal of applied mathematics and mechanic  
                     1983 v 47 n 1  Page 134  
      AUTHOR:     Gray, Andrew, 1847-1925.
      TITLE:      A treatise on gyrostatics and rotational motion; theory and
      PUBL.:      New York, Dover Publications
      FORMAT:     530 p. illus. 22 cm.
      DATE:       1959                                                      

      Perry, John
      1957. 102 pages

    Articles and Books by Kip Thorne:
        AUTHOR:     Misner, Charles W. 
        TITLE:      Gravitation (by) Charles W. Misner, Kip S. Thorne (and) John
                       Archibald Wheeler.
        PUBL.:      San Francisco, W. H. Freeman
        FORMAT:     xxvi, 1279 p. illus. 26 cm.  1973 
        SUBJECT:    Astrophysics, General relativity, Gravitation

         We study the propagator of a non-relativistic, non-interacting
         particle in any non-relativistic ``time-machine'' spacetime of the
         type shown in Fig. 1: an external, flat spacetime in which two
         spatial regions, V- at time t- and V+ at time t+, are
         connected by two temporal wormholes, one leading from the past side
         of V- to t the future side of V+ and the other from the past
         side of V+ to the future side of V-. We express the propagator
         explicitly in terms of those for ordinary, flat spacetime and for
         the two wormholes; and from that expression we show that the
         propagator satisfies completeness and unitarity in the initial and
         final ``chronal regions'' (regions without closed timelike curves)
         and its propagation from the initial region to the final region is
         unitary. However, within the time machine it satisfies neither
         completeness nor unitarity. We also give an alternative proof of
         initial-region-to-final-region unitarity based on a conserved
         current and Gauss's theorem. This proof can be carried over without
         change to most any non-relativistic time-machine spacetime; it is
         the non-relativistic version of a theorem by Friedman, Papastamatiou
         and Simon, which says that for a free scalar field, quantum
         mechanical unitarity follows from the fact that the classical
         evolution preserves the Klein-Gordon inner product.

    AUTHOR(s):       Thorne, Kip S.  
    TITLE(s):        Gravitational-wave bursts with memory: The Christodoulou
               In:   Physical review.  D,  Particles and fields.  
                     JAN 15 1992 v 45 n 2  Page 520  
    AUTHOR(s):       Apostolatos, Theocharis A.  Thorne, Kip S.  
    TITLE(s):        Rotation halts cylindrical, relativistic gravitational
               In:   Physical review.  D,  Particles and fields.  
                     SEP 15 1992 v 46 n 6  Page 2435 
    AUTHOR(s):       Echeverria, Fernando  Klinkhammer, Gunnar  Thorne, Kip S.  
    TITLE(s):        Billiard balls in wormhole spacetmes with closed timelike
                       curves: Classical theory.                                  
               In:   Physical review.  D,  Particles and fields.  
                     AUG 15 1991 v 44 n 4  Page 1077  
    AUTHOR(s):       Eich, Chris   Zimmermann, Mark E.  Thorne, Kip S.  
    TITLE(s):        Giant and supergiant stars with degenerate neutron cores.  
               In:   The astrophysical journal.  
                     NOV 01 1989 v 346 n 1 p 1   Page 277  
    AUTHOR(s):       Frolov, Valery P.  Thorne, Kip S.  
    TITLE(s):        Renormalized stress-energy tensor near the horizon of a
                       slowly evolving, rotating black hole                       
    Summary:         The renormalized expectation value of the stress-energy
                       tensor ren of a quantum field in an arbitrary
                       quantum state near the future horizon of a rotating (Kerr)
                       black hole is derived in two very different ways: One
                       derivation (restricted for simplicity to a massless scalar
                       field) makes use of traditional techniques of quantum field
                       theory in curved spacetime, augmented by a variant of the
                       "ETA formalism " for handling superradiant modes.          
               In:   Physical review.  D,  Particles and fields.  
                     APR 15 1989 v 39 n 8  Page 2125 
    AUTHOR(s):       Kim, Sung-Won   Thorne, Kip S.  
    TITLE(s):        Do vacuum fluctuations prevent the creation of closed
                       timelike curves?                                           
               In:   Physical review.  D,  Particles and fields.  
                     JUN 15 1991 v 43 n 12  Page 3929 
        AUTHOR:     Thorne, Kip S.
        TITLE:      Black holes and time warps : Einstein's outrageous legacy /
                       Kip S. Thorne.
        PUBL.:      New York : W.W. Norton,
        FORMAT:     619 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.  1994
        SERIES:     Commonwealth Fund Book Program (Series)
        SUBJECT:    Relativity, Astrophysics, Physics--Philosophy, Black holes 
        AUTHOR:     Harrison, B. Kent. 
        TITLE:      Gravitation theory and gravitational collapse (by) B. Kent
                       Harrison, Kip S. Thorne, Masami Wakano (and) John Archibald
        PUBL.:      Chicago, University of Chicago Press
        FORMAT:     xvii, 177 p. illus. 25 cm.  1965
        SUBJECT:    Astrophysics, Gravitation 
        AUTHOR:     Thorne, Kip S.
        TITLE:      Gravitational radiation : a new window onto the universe /
                       Kip S. Thorne, William R. Kenan, Jr.
        PUBL.:      Cambridge, (Cambridgeshire) ; New York : Cambridge University
        DATE:       1988
        SUBJECT:    Gravitational radiation                                   
        AUTHOR:     Braginskii, V. B. (Vladimir Borisovich
        TITLE:      Quantum measurement / Vladimir B. Braginsky and Farid Ya. 
                       Khalili ; edited by Kip S. Thorne.
        PUBL.:      Cambridge (England) ; New York, NY, USA : Cambridge
                       University Press,
        SUBJECT:    Quantum theory, Physical measurements
        AUTHOR:     Braginskii, V. B. (Vladimir Borisovich)
                       Sistemy s maloi dissipatsiei. English                  
        TITLE:      Systems with small dissipation / V.B. Braginsky, V.P.
                       Mitrofanov, V.I. Panov ; edited by Kip S. Thorne and 
                       Cynthia Eller ; translated by Erast Gliner.
        PUBL.:      Chicago : University of Chicago Press,
        FORMAT:     xii, 145 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. DATE:       1985
        SUBJECT:    Harmonic oscillators--Design and construction.
                    Physical measurements
        NOTES:      Translation of: Sistemy s maloi dissipatsiei.
                    Includes index.

             Title: Black holes : the membrane paradigm / edited by 
                    Kip S. Thorne, Richard H. Price, Douglas A. Macdonald.
       Date/Source: New Haven : Yale University Press,  1986.
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