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Robert Stirniman's
Antigravity Bibliography - 6

Paper: HEP-TH/9411092
    Date: Mon, 14 Nov 94 15:19:29 KST
     Title: Factorization and polarization in linearized gravity
     Authors: S.Y. Choi,  J.S. Shim,  H.S. Song
     Comments: 45 pages, figures are included (uses pictex), RevTex
     Report-no: KEK-TH-415, HYUPT-94/10, SNUTP 94-03,
       We investigate all the four-body graviton interaction processes:
       gX -> gamma X, gX -> gX, and gg -> gg,
       with X as an elementary particle of spin less than two in the
       context of linearized gravity except the spin-3/2 case. We show
       explicitly that gravitational gauge invariance and Lorentz
       invariance cause every four-body graviton scattering amplitude to be
       factorized. We explore the implications of this factorization
       property by investigating polarization effects through the covariant
       density matrix formalism in each four-body graviton scattering

    Causality, electromagnetic induction, and gravitation : a different approach
    to the theory of electromagnetic and gravitational fields/ Oleg D. Jefimenko.
    Star City [West Virginia] : Electret Scientific Co., c1992.  xii, 180 p. :
    LC CALL NUMBER: QC665.E4 J44 1992
    SUBJECTS: Electromagnetic fields. Gravitational fields. Causality. 
    Maxwell Equations.

    COUNTER-GRAVITATION: The sustaining  of  an object in space by means
         of a  counter-gravitational   effect  produced  through  the
         action of an electric field upon the object. Associated with
         the effects of levitation in this manner, is  a simultaneous
         appearance of  a strange luminous halo that appears at about
         500,000 volts.

     Sources: American Philosophical Society, Proceedings. Philadelphia,
         PA, years  1914-1929.   Articles  on  Charles  F.  Brush's

         Electrical Experimenter. "Can Electricity Destroy
         Gravitation?", New York, March 1918.

         Electrical Experimenter. "Piggott's Electro-gravitation
         Experiment", Vol. 8, 1920.

         Hooper, William  J.,  New Horizons in Electric,  Magnetic,
         and Gravitational  Field Theory, Principia College, Elsah,
         IL, 1974.

         The Scientific Papers of  James  Clerk  Maxwell.  Vol. II,
         W.D.  Niven (ed.), Constable & Co., London, 1965. "Le Sage
         Theory of Gravitation".

         Transactions of   the   Academy   of  Science.   "Nipher's
         Gravitation Experiments",   Vol.  23,  pp.  163-192+,  St.
         Louis, 1916.

         US patent No. 1,006,786, Piggott.
                       3,518,462, Brown.
                       3,610,971, Hooper.

    "Journal of Propulsion and Power" of the AIAA, R.H. Woodward Waesche, 
    Science Applications International Corporation, Editor in Chief.
    This Journal is devoted to the advancement of the science and technology 
    of aerospace propulsion and power through the dissemination of original 
    archival papers contributing to advancements in airbreathing, electric, 
    and advanced propulsion; solid and liquid rockets; fuels and propellants; 
    power generation and conversion for aerospace vehicles; and the application 
    of aerospace science and technology to terrestrial energy devices and 
    systems. It is intended to provide readers of the Journal, with primary 
    interests in propulsion and power, access to papers spanning the range from 
    research through development to applications. Papers in these disciplines
    and the sciences of combustion, fluid mechanics, and solid mechanics as 
    directly related to propulsion and power are solicited.

    Published Bimonthly
    AIAA Members $42.00 per year ($72.00 outside North America)
    Institutions $300.00 per year ($360.00 outside North America)

    I have recently come into possession of a paper on magneto-gravitics
    and field resonance systems, presented by A.C. Holt from NASA Johnson 
    Space Center to the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics' 
    16th Joint Propulsion Conference, June 30-July 2, 1980.
    Holt presents a project using an already existing system known as the
    Coherent Field and Energy Resonance System (CoFERS) [probably located 
    at Los Alamos Labs' High Magnetic Field Research Laboratory].
    CoFERS utilizes a toroidal-shaped energy guide with megagauss magnetic
    field sources located along radius vectors equally spaced around the toroid.
    CoFERS is shaped like a thick flying disc.
    Holt goes on to say: "By converying an object's normal space-time
    energy pattern to an energy pattern which differs substantially from the 
    normal pattern, the gravitational forces acting on the object are changed. 
    The object's new pattern interacts with the surrounding space-time and 
    virtual energy patterns, such that the interactive forces are substantially 
    altered. The alteration of the characteristics of the continuous field of 
    force results in the apparent motion of the object *through space-time*."
    [...] "Since the gravitational forces acting on the propulsion system can be
    quickly altered to achieve the desired motion, the *spacecraft* can make
    right-angle turns at very-high velocities without adversely affecting the 
    crew or system elements. The effective gravitational field the *spacecraft/
    aircraft* experiences can be nearly simultaneously reoriented at a 90-
    degree angle, resulting in a smooth continuous motion as far as the 
    occupants are concerned." [ ... ] "The gravimagnetic system is perhaps 
    best suited for use in and around ... a large mass such as the Earth."
    "While the gravimagnetic system is likely to be the first field-dependent 
    propulsion system developed, the field resonance system will **bring stellar 
    and galactic travel out of the realm of science fiction**. The field 
    resonance system artificially generates an energy pattern which precisely
    matches or resonates with a virtual pattern associated with a distent
    space-time point. According to the model, if a fundamental or precise 
    resonance is established, (using hydromagnetic wave fine-tuning techniques), 
    the spacecraft will be very strongly and equally repelled by surrounding 
    virtual patterns. At the same time, through the virtual many-dimensional 
    structure of space-time, a very strong attraction with the virtual pattern 
    of a distant space-time point will exist. ...this combination of very 
    strong forces will result in the translocation of the spacecraft from its 
    initial position through the many-dimensional virtual structure to the 
    distant space-time point. [ ... ] "A space-time 'jump' already appears to 
    be supported by astrophysical research." 

    Should you wish the entirety of this report, "Prospects for a Breakthrough 
    in Field Dependent Propulsion" by A.C. Holt, you can order it from AeroPlus 
    Dispatch, 1722 Gilbreth Road, Burlingame, CA 94010; phone: (800)-662-AERO. 
    The paper/conference number is AIAA-80-1233   (American Institute of
    Aeronautics and Astronautics, June 30-July 2, 1980 - 16th Annual Conference.
    -- Rich Boylan

    There is also a great article discussing the work of A.C. Holt in the 
    Electric Spacecraft Journal: Issue No. 5, June 30, 1992. 

    Date: Wed, 17 Jan 1996 13:01:16 +0100 (CET)
    Coherent Interaction of a Monochromatic Gravitational Wave with both 
    Matter and Electromagnetic Circuits
    Author(s): Enrico Montanari (1) , Pierluigi Fortini (1) ((1)
    University of Ferrara,INFN sezione di Ferrara, Italy)
      The interaction of a gravitational wave with a system made of an RLC
      circuit forming one end of a mechanical harmonic oscillator is
      investigated. We show that, in some configurations, the coherent
      interaction of the wave with both the mechanical oscillator and the
      RLC circuit gives rise to a mechanical quality factor increase of
      the electromagnetic signal. When this system is used as an amplifier
      of gravitational periodic signals a sensitivity of $10^{-30}$ on the
      amplitude of the metric could be achieved.

    From: (Jack Wells)
    Date: Thu, 1 Feb 1996 16:50:06 -0500
    Gravitational Interaction of Spinning Bodies, Center-of-Mass Coordinate 
    and Radiation of Compact Binary Systems
    Author(s): I.B. Khriplovich, A.A. Pomeransky
      Spin-orbit and spin-spin effects in the gravitational interaction
      are treated in a close analogy with the fine and hyperfine
      interactions in atoms. The proper definition of the cener-of-mass
      coordinate is discussed. The technique developed is applied then to
      the gravitational radiation of compact binary stars. Our result for
      the spin-orbit correction differs from that obtained by other
      authors. New effects possible for the motion of a spinning particle
      in a gravitational field are pointed out. The corresponding
      corrections, nonlinear in spin, are in principle of the same order
      of magnitude as the ordinary spin-spin interaction.

    Date: Tue, 23 Jan 1996 10:03:41 +0100 (MET)
    Spinning Relativistic Particle in an External Electromagnetic Field
    Author(s): M. Chaichian , R. Gonzalez Felipe , D. Louis Martinez
      The Hamiltonian formulation of the motion of a spinning relativistic
      particle in an external electromagnetic field is considered. The
      approach is based on the introduction of new coordinates and their
      conjugated momenta to describe the spin degrees of freedom together
      with an appropriate set of constraints in the Dirac formulation. For
      particles with gyromagnetic ratio $g=2$, the equations of motion do
      not predict any deviation from the standard Lorentz force, while for
      $g \neq 2$ an additional force, which corresponds to the magnetic
      dipole force, is obtained.

    Date: 16 Jan 96 19:19 IST
    The Strange Spin of the Nucleon
    Authors: John Ellis (CERN) , Marek Karliner (Tel-Aviv Univ.)
    Comments: Invited Lectures at the International School of Nucleon Spin
    Structure, Erice, August 1995. 
      The recent series of experiments on polarized lepton-nucleon
      scattering have provided a strange new twist in the story of the
      nucleon, some of whose aspects are reviewed in these lectures. In
      the first lecture, we review some issues arising in the analysis of
      the data on polarized structure functions, focusing in particular on
      the importance and treatment of high-order QCD perturbation theory.
      In the second lecture some possible interpretations of the ``EMC
      spin effect" are reviewed, principally in the chiral soliton
      (Skyrmion) approach, but also interpretations related to the axial
      $U(1)$ anomaly. This lecture also discusses other indications from
      recent LEAR data for an $\bar{s} s$ component in the nucleon wave
      function, and discusses test of a model for this component. Finally,
      the third lecture reviews the implications of polarized structure
      functions measurements for experiments to search for cold dark
      matter particles, such as the lightest supersymmetric particle and
      the axion, after reviewing briefly the astrophysical and
      cosmological evidence for cold dark matter.
    "Mechanical Propulsion From Unsymmetrical Magnetic Induction Fields"
     by: R.L. Schlicher  A.W. Biggs  W.J. Tedeschi
     31st AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit,
     July 10-12 1995
       A method is presented for generating mechanical spacecraft propulsion   
       from unsymmetrical magnetic induction fields. It is based on an
       unsymmetrical three-dimensional loop antenna structure driven by a
       repetitively-pulsed high-current power supply. Antenna geometry is
       optimized for generating propulsive thrust rather than radiating
       electromagnetic energy. A magnetic field density gradient imbalances
       the magneto-mechanical forces that result from the interations of
       the internal magnetic induction field with the current in the conductors
       of the antenna structure. 
       From Richard Feynman's Lectures on Physics we learn that there is 
       intrinsic field energy and momentum density associated with a static
       electro-magnetic field configuration. When there is a change in the
       magnetic field, this field energy and momentum can be directly 
       converted into kinetic energy and mechanical momentum. Feynman 
       illustrates this with an electromagnetic carousel paradox. In this
       paradox, a dielectric disk (which is embedded with small charged spheres
       along its circumference) rotates without any apparent "counter" torque
       in the system. Before this rotation occurs, the dielectric disk is 
       immersed in a static magnetic field. The subsequent rotation occurs as
       a consequence to reducing the previously static magnetic field to zero.
       The angular momentum and rotational kinetic energy comes directly from
       the initial static magnetic field. 

    "The Feynman Lectures on Physics" by Richard Feynman, R.B. Leighton, and 
     M. Sands, Volume II p 17-6

    "Nonlinear Electromagnetic Propulsion System and Method", R.L. Schlicher
     Nineteenth Power Modulation Symposium of the IEEE, 1990 Page 139

    "Classical Electrodynamics" by C.D. Jackson, 2nd Edition, John Wiley and
     Sons, New York, 1975

    "The Feynman Lectures on Physics"  Richard Feynman, R.B. Leighton, and
     M. Sands, Volume II p 27-9

    US Patent #5142861, "Nonlinear Electromagnetic Propulsion System",
    R.L. Schlicher et al.  1992

    Dr Peter Graneau has conducted experiments which he claims provide
    a demonstration of departure from classical electrodynamics at 
    high currents levels. A force is found to exist in a direction 
    longitudinal to current flow. Graneau ran a variety of types
    of experiments with a metal rod conductor immersed in a conductive
    fluid (mercury, or saline solution). With high amperage passing 
    through the solution the metal rod is found to move in a longitudinal 
    direction. There is no known explanation in conventional EM theory. 
    This force may be similar to the force (v X B) that William Hooper 
    finds in a noninductive coil. Or Graneau's longitudinal force may be
    a coupling between the electromagnetic and inertial/gravitational
    fields, which is predicted by some 5-D unified EM/gravitational 
    theories -- predicted to result from a divergence of the electric 
    current vector field. Graneau's experiments should be relatively 
    easy to duplicate. I can find no record that anyone has ever done so.
    Graneau has also discovered apparently anomalous forces and effects
    in high energy electromechanical devices such as rail guns and
    induction motors. 

         AUTHOR:     Graneau, Peter.
         TITLE:      Ampere-Neumann electrodynamics of metals/Peter Graneau. 
         PUBL.:      Nonantuma, MA. : Hadronic Press,
         FORMAT:     ix, 311 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.
         DATE:       1985
         SUBJECT     Metals--Electric properties--History.
                     Free electron theory of metals--History.
                     Electric conductors--History.
         ISBN:       0911767371

    AUTHOR:          Graneau, Peter
    TITLE:           Electromagnetic Jet Propulsion in the Direction  
                     of Current Flow
               In:   Nature 
                     June 18, 1982  No 295  Page 311

    AUTHOR(s):       Graneau, P. 
    TITLE(s):        Ampere force calculation for filament fusion experiments. 
               In:   Physics letters.  a 
                     MAR 22 1993 v 174 n 5/6  Page 421 

    AUTHOR(s):       Graneau, P. 
    TITLE(s):        Comment on "The motionally induced back-EMF in railguns". 
               In:   Physics letters:  [part A] 
                     DEC 02 1991 v 160 n 5  Page 490 
    AUTHOR(s):       Graneau, Peter 
    TITLE(s):        The Difference between Newtonian and Relativistic Forces. 
               In:   Foundations of physics letters. 
                     OCT 01 1993 v 6 n 5  Page 491 
    AUTHOR(s):       Graneau, P. 
    TITLE(s):        Electrodynamic momentum measurements. 
               In:   Journal of physics  d:  applied physics. 
                     DEC 01 1988 v 21 n 12  Page 1826 
    AUTHOR(s):       Graneau, P. 
    TITLE(s):        Far-action versus contact action. 
               In:   Speculations in science and technology. 
                     1990 v 13 n 3  Page 191 
    AUTHOR(s):       Graneau, Peter 
    TITLE(s):        Inertia's Riddle. 
    Summary:         Inertia has been misunderstood ever since the time of
                     Galileo says Dr. Graneau.                                  
               In:   Electronics world + wireless world. 
                     JAN 01 1990 v 96 n 1647  Page 60 
    AUTHOR(s):       Graneau, P. 
    TITLE(s):        Longitudinal forces in Ampere's wire-arc experiment. 
               In:   Physics letters:  [part A] 
                     MAY 08 1989 v 137 n 3  Page 87 
    AUTHOR(s):       Graneau, P.  Thompson, D.S.  Morrill, S.L. 
    TITLE(s):        The motionally induced back-emf in railguns. 
               In:   Physics letters:  [part A] 
                     APR 30 1990 v 145 n 8/9  Page 396 
    AUTHOR(s):       Graneau, Peter 
    TITLE(s):        Nonlocal Action in the Induction Motor. 
               In:   Foundations of physics letters. 
                     OCT 01 1991 v 4 n 5  Page 499 
    AUTHOR(s):       Graneau, P.  Graneau, N. 
    TITLE(s):        The role of Ampere forces in nuclear fusion. 
               In:   Physics letters:  [part A] 
                     MAY 04 1992 v 165 n 1  Page 1 

         AUTHOR:     Graneau, Peter.
         TITLE:      Underground power transmission : the science, technology, 
                     and economics of high voltage cables / Peter Graneau.
         PUBL.:      New York : Wiley,
         FORMAT:     x, 515 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
         DATE:       1979                                       
                     SUBJECT: Electric cables
                     Electric power transmission
                     Electric lines--Underground
         ISBN:       0471057576

    I see that Graneau has devoted himself to the electric railgun. I 
    looked a bit into this phenomena in 1994. I will now be able look a 
    bit further. It seems that Graneau beleives in free energy in vacuum. 
    The railgun and the theories about it are very controversial. There 
    is a conflict between PhD Witalis, who works for the Swedish Defense, 
    and the established plasmaphysiscists here in Uppsala. Witalis has 
    condemned controlled hot fusion.
    -- David Jonsson

       Pippard provides the first systematic account of magnetoresistance in
       metals, the study of which has provided solid-state physicists with
       valuable information about electron motion in metals.
       The electrical resistance of a metal is usually changed when a
       magnetic field is applied to it, and at low temperatures the change
       may be very large indeed. Every metal behaves differently, and the
       effect has been widely used to elucidate details of electron motion in
       individual metals. Because there has been no systematic account of the
       phenomena, apart from review articles addressing special points, this
       book fills an obvious gap. Making no great demand on mathematical
       ability, it should be a valuable reference work for readers with a
       basic knowledge of undergraduate solid-state physics. The text is
       copiously illustrated with real experimental results.
    Cambridge Studies in Low Temperature Physics 2
    1989 6 x 9 272 pp. 3 halftones 113 line diagrams
    Hardback 0-521-32660-5 $84.95 (£50.00)

    Albert C. Crehore published "New Electrodynamics"  in 1950. In this
    book he described how the motion of protons in the nucleus would
    produce gravitational field effects. Gravitational field effects such
    as counter-bary are used in the mainstream effort to develop
    non-areodynamic non-rocket flight systems that usually referred to as
    "anti-gravitational". By making use of the Crehore Paradigm it is
    possible to derive a method of producing counter-bary. It's most
    likely Crehore had no knowledge of Brown's 1928 British patent for a
    gravitator device that would have been a macroscopic analog of a
    Crehore atom. 

    Crehore, Albert C. (Albert Cushing), b. 1868.
    The mystery of matter and energy; recent progress as to the structure of
    matter, by Albert C. Crehore ...  New York, D. van Nostrand company, 1917 
    SUBJECTS: Matter--Constitution.

    Crehore, Albert C. (Albert Cushing), b. 1868.
    The atom, by Albert C. Crehore ...  New York, D. Van Nostrand company, 1920.
    xvi, 161 p. diagrs. 19 cm.
    LC CALL NUMBER: QC173 .C75

    A man named Gerry Vassilator is an electrogravity experimenter.
    Last I know (in 1991) he runs an information service called          
    MUUDO Experimental Videos 
    Delmar Ave 
    Staten Island, NY 10312.

    There are many books available about anti-gravity and
    other weird science subjects from:
     International Tesla Society
     330-A West Uintah Street - Suite 215
     Colorado Springs CO  80905-1095

    The Anti-Gravity Handbook (revised ed.)
    Compiled by D. Hatcher Childress
    Published by - Adventures Unlimited Press
    303 Main St., Kempton, Illnois 60949 USA
    ISBN: 0-932813-20-8
    Pub date: 1993  (First edition was in 1985)

    Anti-gravity and the world grid / edited by David Hatcher Childress.  1st ed.
    Stelle, IL : Adventures Unlimited Press, c1987.  267 p. : ill. ; 26 cm.
    LC CALL NUMBER: BF1999 .A6386 1987
    SUBJECTS: Antigravity. Grids (Cartography). Occultism.
    Childress, David Hatcher, 1957-
    ISBN:  0932813038 (pbk.) : $12.95

    The Anti-gravity handbook / compiled by D. Hatcher Childress.  1st ed.
    Stelle, Ill. : Adventures Unlimited Press, c1985 (1986 printing)  195 p.
    LC CALL NUMBER: QC178 .A58 1985
    SUBJECTS: Antigravity.
    Childress, David Hatcher, 1957-
    ISBN:  0932813011 (pbk.) : $12.95

    Pages, Marcel J. J.
    Le defi de l'antigravitation: techniques antiponderales, utilisation de
    l'energie de l'espace [par] M. J. J. Pages.  Paris, Chiron [1974]  306 p.
    LC CALL NUMBER: QC178 .P23
    SUBJECTS: Antigravity. Force and energy.
    ISBN:  2702703097

    Nipher, Francis Eugene, 1847-
    Electricity and magnetism. A mathematical treatise for advanced
    undergraduate students. By Francis E. Nipher ...
    2d ed., rev., with additions.
    St. Louis, Mo., J. L. Boland book and stationery co., 
    1895 i.e. 1898 xi, 430 p. diagrs. 20 cm.

    "My library research shows that as early as 1917, a Professor Nipher
     had found that  the  weight  of  substances could be reduced (become
     negative) by the  application  of electrostatic  charges.  (Science,
     Sept. 21, 1917, page 173).
     Dr. Charles Brush, in a series of reports in the PROCEEDINGS  OF THE
     AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY  around  1922  found,  in  some well-
     thought-out-experiments, that weight  was  not  only proportional to
     mass, but was affected by the atomic structure of the substances.
     For example, he  found  that  for  a given unit of mass  and  shape,
     BISMUTH  falls faster   than   zinc   or   aluminum,   in   complete
     contradiction to Newton's  Law  of  Gravity  which  they  are  still
     teaching in colleges today!
     So far, the  literature  hasn't  given  me an answer.  Incidentally,
     Otis Carr's work  involved  counter-rotating   charged   discs  that
     supposedly produced thrust  when  they  reached a certain  speed  in
     relation the the  earth's  rotational  speed and became activated by
     free energy from space.  Maybe he did have something."
      -- James E. Cox  
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