*AntiGravity Propulsion*
A Faster Stairway to the Stars!
'Photos Courtesy of
NASA = Hubble Space Telescope'
***Links - Page 2***
***Web-Site Up-Dated JANUARY 2006***
The X PRIZE-($10,000,000) -
A Shoo-in for AntiGravity Propulsion!
The Top 10
Physics Puzzles - Likely a Nobel Prize for each!
The Millennium
Prize Math Puzzles - $1,000,000 for each Solution!
David Hatcher Childress = Indiana-Jones type = Has traveled
and researched many ancient-knowledge sites worldwide.
Also has several excellent antigravity+ books.
David Hatcher Childress = Book Publisher Site =
Adventures Unlimited Press
Star-Drives = Breakthrough Propulsion Physics, Light-Speed Travel,
Time Theories
UFOs and the New Physics
Lambert Dolphin = Pioneer Cutting-Edge Physicist
Psychokinesis Research Projects = Mind-over-Matter
Terence McKenna = Excellent Theories of Time +++
Ancient Wisdom from Egypt including Science and Technologies
Lloyd Pye - Ancient Knowledges including Sciences
Robert Morning Sky = Ancient Native American Sciences
Tom Van Flandern - Alternate Cosmology
Ancient Sciences = Archeology, Astronautics, SETI Research
Remote-Operated Telescope at Nassau Station (3' Diameter)
Electricity and Magnetism Museum = Science Instruction
MIT - Magazine of Innovation = Technology Review
National Inventors Hall of Fame
Edward F. Halerewicz Jr. - HyperSpace (Warp Drive) Travel Theories
SPACE.com - XLNT Space News + Fantastic Links
Universe Today - Latest Space Exploration News
Peter Bettels - AntiGravity Research and Patent
Erich Von Daniken - Archaeology, Astronautics and SETI
Research Association
Joseph McMoneagle - Remote Viewer-Remarkable Technology- See his Book
on Prophecy regarding New Space Propulsion!
Dan Winter - Sacred Geometry, Alternative Physics, Gravity Theories+++
Jim Marrs - Alternative Physics +++
James E. Cox - Classification Scheme for AntiGravity Devices - Xlnt!
Dr. Bruce Goldberg - HynoTherapist - Book: Time Travelers from the Future
Mad Mac's Altternate Technology Page - John Searl Material
Xlnt Selection of UFO Pictures from World-Wide
Steve Gibbs - Hyperdimensional Time Machine!
Robert Adams(NZ)-PEMG Free-Energy Generator
Wilhelm Reich - Orgone Accumulator Article -
Reich theorized and researched a separate field (Orgone) from the
electromagnetic and gravity fields - It could possibly be a clue
to the manipulation of the other fields by bio-energy.
Excellent Links to Wilhelm Reich and his work with Orgonomy!
Institute of Orgone Science and Orgone Technology
Buy Orgone Accumulators and Plans
Orgone Accumulating Devices for sale.
Rupert Sheldrake - Theorizes a 'Morphogenic Field' that is totally
seperate from the Electromagnetic Field - May be used in Bio-Gravitic
Researching = More to Come!
Researching = More to Come!
Researching = More to Come!
Researching = More to Come!
Researching = More to Come!
Researching = More to Come!
Researching = More to Come!
Visitors =

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