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Stan Deyo AntiGravity Video ASTOUNDING video by Stan including 'How-To' diagrams for AntiGravity mechanisms. FREE Download - DON'T MISS THIS !!! (Video in 8 parts) |
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Great article from NIDS-'Black Triangle' Aircraft Sightings - - Aug 2004! Based on their performance parameters, they must be using Anti-Gravity or some level of Gravity/Mass-Nullification! Alt. Link - Corresponding Article at Space.com |
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Coral Castle - Check the Latest Magnetic-Wheel Photo! Ed Leedskalnin built a castle of over 1000 tons of coral rock single-handed from 1923 to 1951. He claimed to know the secrets used to build the ancient pyramids. |
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John Hutchison - Canadian Researcher - Incredible AntiGravity Experiments - Check the Photos and Videos! |
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Jean-Louis Naudin/Tom Bearden - AntiGravity and Free Energy - Incredible Experiments Going on Now! |
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NASA Space Prizes --- ($250,000 to $30 million) http://www.space.com/news/nasa_prizes_040623.html Corresponding NASA Web Site http://exploration.nasa.gov/centennialchallenge/cc_index.html |
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The X PRIZE-($10,000,000) - Won by Space Ship One - Burt Rutan and Paul Allen - Nov. 2004 The X Prize originally DID NOT specify the type of propulsion - They eventually mentioned only ROCKETS as the means of power - WHY did they limit the propulsion to Rockets ? |
![]() | The Top 10 Physics Puzzles - Likely a Nobel Prize for each! |
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The Millennium
Prize Math Puzzles - $1,000,000 for each Solution! Alt. Web Site - Extra Info thru Wikipedia.org (Encyclopedia) |
A number of experiments have been performed over the last several years, which have seemingly shown some form of gravity control or closely related phenomena.
We are collecting here as many of these experiments as possible so that hopefully something will mesh together and help us towards the goal of finding a practical AntiGravity propulsion system.
Dr. Podkletnov
Tampere University in Finland
Experiments in 1992 in Finland seemed to show that the Earth's gravity could be shielded with a superconductor configured in a certain manner. This experiment, by Eugene Podkletnov, at Finland's Tampere University of Technology, apparently created a reduction in the weight of objects placed above a levitating, rotating superconducting disk:
Pete L. Skegg's Science and Space Web Pages (Quantum Cavorite)
Richard Hoagland's Web Site
Bill Beaty's Web Site
Tom E. Bearden
Tom Bearden has said that he along with Mr. Sparky Sweet have produced 'antigravity' from a lab-bench test set-up. The power-to-weight-ratio was said to be approximately 500 watts of electrical power per pound of lift at 100 Hertz.
Tom Bearden places 20 years of research into the Public Domain to stimulate research -
A formulation of superelectromagnetics theory and the development of overunity devices.
Swedish Assoc. for New Physics - Tom E. Bearden Files
Tom Bearden articles in Virtual Times
Keely Net -Tom Bearden Resources +
Jean-Louis Naudin/Tom Bearden - AntiGravity and Free Energy -
Incredible Experiments Going on Now!+
AntiGravity Evidence from Cosmology
An international collaboration of top-ranked cosmologists, called the High-z Supernova Search Team, made a surprising announcement in the journal Science this past February (Science, Feb 27, 1998, pages 1298-1299).
The scientists reported that empty space may well be filled with a repulsive force of as yet unknown origins. In support of this antigravity theory, the group cites data on supernovae. The researchers maintain that the seeming brightness of these distant, exploding stars suggests that the universe is expanding at an ever increasing rate--an acceleration that the standard big bang model could not account for were there no antigravity.
Scientific American Magazine - May 1998, page 26 (Reqires Search)
Science Magazine - Original Report (Requires Search)
Dr. Marcel Pages
In 1959, Dr. Marcel Pages proposed a theory at the International Congress of Satellites and Missiles, wherein gravity is not caused by the attraction of the Earth, but is caused by the repulsion of the Cosmos. Accordingly, the force which we call gravitation, he called 'sheer concentrated protonic energy'.
He supported his theory with a design of an antigravity machine which liberated itself from the force of gravity by an electric field rotating at the speed of light around the vehicle. This rotating field also suppressed mass inertia!
His design principle was tested successfully on small pieces of mica.
French Patent No. 1,253,902 (European Patent Office)
Liquid Mercury Mass Effect
An experiment was preformed by Dr. Majorana in which he surrounded a measured mass with a sphere containing ten tons of liquid mercury. He noted an apparent loss in weight of the experimental mass and concluded that the loss was due to an absorbtion of gravity waves by the dense mercury.Oscillating Liquid Mercury Effect
Another experiment involving liquid mercury entailed a test set-up wherein two weights were balanced on an extremely accurate scale balance. Underneath one of the weights, a quantity of liquid mercury was caused to oscillate by a high-powered high-capacity pump.
With the pump in operation, the balance indicated a minute loss in weight of the mass located above the oscillating liquid mercury. However, the ratio of input energy (via the pump) to weight loss was found to be impractically large to be able to develop any useable antigravity mechanism.
COMMENT: Possibly a combination of electrical energy and liquid mercury could induce useable effects on gravity ? CNC
Foucault Pendulum Abnormalities
The Foucault pendulum exhibits an effect such that the plane of the pendulum swing does not change. The apparent rotation of the plane of the pendulum is actually caused by the rotation of the Earth beneath the pendulum. Therefore the pendulum arc should show an apparent rotation of one cycle every 24 hours.
Dr. Maurice Allias conducted some remarkable experiments with some pendulums several years ago, during which a cycle was found which was between 24 and 25 hours long. Allias's experiments were performed with a very high degree of accuracy with continuous readings of about a month, and in two widely separated locations.
Also, during a total solar eclipse, the plane of the pendulum swing was noted to shift approximately 15 centesimal degrees exactly at the start of the eclipse. Near the end of the eclipse, the plane again shifted and returned to the normal periodic cycle it had been following previous to the eclipse.
This gives a very definite impression of a screen effect.(CNC)
Astronaut Edward White
Gemini Space Excursion
During Astronaut Edward White's extravehicular excursion while in orbit with the early-days Gemini capsule, he noted a physical phenomena which was unexplainable by Newtonian mechanics. He was able to rotate his body by extending and retracting his arms in a twisting motion. Newtonian mechanics says that the body should return to its original position once all motion has ceased, due to Newton's Law of Conservation-of-Motion.
If angular momentum is not conserved, then a device can be built around this anomalous principle to give a linear thrust for use as a propulsion system. In fact, more than one device using this principle have been constructed over the last several years. One is known as the Dean Space Drive whose mechanism uses a counterbalanced set of rotating eccentric weights. The axels of the weights are moved linearly by a solenoid during each rotation. Resultant thrust is produced in the same direction that the weights are moved. The weights are essentially made to change orbit, giving up momentum in each cycle to produce thrust.
Two other devices that have been built and patented apparently utilizing the same principle, are the Cook Drive and the Kidd Drive.
These three drives are not truly 'antigravity' drives, but are certainly excellent candidates for advanced aerospace propulsion systems - a giant leap up from the current Neanderthal-level 'Roman-Candle' technology !
See the References below for further details on all of these propulsion systems.
Norman L. Dean - US-Patent #3182517 (U.S. Patent Office)
Norman L. Dean - US-Patent #2,886,976 (U.S. Patent Office)
Robert L. Cook - US-Patent #4238968 (U.S. Patent Office)
Robert L. Cook - US-Patent #3683707 (U.S. Patent Office)
Alexander D. Kidd - US-Patent #5024112 (U.S. Patent Office)
Volcanic Effect on Gravity
About 10 years ago, a man was caught too close to a sudden outburst of volcanic activity on the island of Hawaii. He was escaping in his car down the volcanic mountain when the car blew a tire. He had to stop to change the tire so he could continue his fast escape. When he opened his car trunk to get his spare tire, his tire iron "Floated" out of the trunk !!! He was able to grab his tire iron, change the blown tire, and make good his escape.
COMMENT: This sounds like a demonstration of a moving-mass/ gravity shield connection with some sort of temperature factor. CNC
Dynamic and Radiation Field Effects
by Gravitation
One phenomena which may be noted as a common denominator throughout these experiments, is the apparent existence and utilization of a 'gravitational field' or 'matter field'.
This field is akin to an electromagnetic field, but so far has been shown to be associated predominately with matter. There are apparently two definable parts to this matter field, a close-up 'dynamic' field effect and a long-range 'radiation' field effect. The equivalents are demonstrated in an electromagnetic field.
If this matter field exists, and it seemingly does, it must be closely related to the well-known electromagnetic field, since matter and energy are considered interchangable ( e=mc2 ).
The fields (electromagnetic and gravitational) must therefore be connected by a certain set of functions such that one can be made to affect the other.
The Biefeld-Brown experiments seem to utilize this connection most effectively - while all the experiments give clues to the ultimate solution.
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