***AntiGravity Propulsion***
A Faster Stairway to the Stars !!!
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'Photos Courtesy of NASA = Hubble Space Telescope'

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In all things it is a good idea to hang a question mark now and then
on the things we have taken for granted!
* Bertrand Russell *
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United States Patent Office = Patent Search

European Patent Office = Patent Database Search
WorldWide Patents ! US Patents from 1920 !

WorldWide Patent Offices on the Internet

These Patents herein are listed as 'Raw Data'
with Links to any additional info I can find.

649,621 = (1900) N.Tesla
685,957 = (1901) Nikola Tesla
649,958 = (1901) Nikola Tesla
1,119,732 = (1914) Nikola Tesla
2,886,976 = (1959) Norman L. Dean
2,912,244 = (1959) O.T. Carr
2,949,550 = (1960) Townsend T. Brown
2,958,790 = (1960) F. Alzofon & A.Bahnson
3,067,967 = (1962) I.R. Barr
3,103,324 = (1963) N.C. Price
3,312,425 = (1965) C.D. Lennon + Others
3,357,253 = (1967) Dr. Edwin J. Saxl
3,432,120 = (1969) E. Guerrero
3,626,606 = (1968) Dr. Henry Wallace
3,626,605 = (1971) Dr. Henry Wallace
3,823,570 = (1973) Dr. Henry Wallace
3610971 = William J. Hooper
3656031 William J. Hooper
309516 = G. A. Hill
3022430 = T. Townsend Brown
4686605 = HAARP Patent - Bernard J. Eastlund

The following Patents are referenced at
U.S. SpaceDrives
http://www.spacedrives.org/sdwpus.htm :

 5,685,196   Foster, Richard E.  (11/11/97)  Inertial propulsion
             plus/device and engine
5,557,988 Claxton, John C. (09/24/96) Centripetally Impelled Vehicle
5,488,877 Lieurance, Richard L. (O2/O6/96) Centrifugal Inertia Drive
5,473,957 Navarro, Thomas L. (12/12/95) System for generating controllable reference enviroment and steerable translational force, etc.
5,197,279 Taylor, James R. (O3/3O/93) Electromagnetic energy propulsion engine
5,024,112 Kidd, Alexander D. (O6/18/91) Gyroscopic Apparatus
4,663,932 Cox, James E. (O5/12/87) Dipolar Force Field Propulsion
4,631,971 Thornson, Brandson R.(CA) (12/3O/86) Apparatus For Developing A Propulsive Force
4,261,212 Melnick, Harry S. (O4/14/81) Unidirectional Force Generator
4,238,968 Cook, Robert L. (12/16/8O) Device For Conversion Of Centrifugal Force To Linear Force And Motion
4,O95,46O Cuff, Calvin I. (O6/2O/78) Device For Converting Rotary Motion Into Unidirectional Motion
3,979,961 Schnur, Nicholas J. (O9/14/76) Method And Apparatus For Propelling An Object By An Unbalanced Centrifugal Force With Continous Motion
3,626,606 Wallace, Henry W. (12/14/71) Method And Apparatus For Generating A Dynamic Force Field
3,203,644 Kellogg, H. Dudley (O8/31/65) Gyroscopic Inertial Space Drive
3,130,945 De Seversky, Alexander P. (O4/28/64) Ionocraft
2,949,550 Brown, Thomas T. (O4/16/6O) Electrokinetic Apparatus
2,886,976 Dean, Norman L. (O5/19/59) System For Converting Rotary Motion into unidirectional motio
1,511,960 Goldschmidt, Rudolf (DE) (1O/14/24) Propulsion of vehicles

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