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Theories & Concepts-6

***AntiGravity Propulsion***
--- A Faster Stairway to the Stars !!! ---

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AntiGravity Propulsion
- Theories and Concepts -

Ernest Mach - Force Principles

    A section of one of Ernest Mach's Principles states:   Inertial forces originate in the acceleration of a particle relative to distant matter.    Mach apparently had in mind a type of instantaneous action at a distance as the means by which very distant matter would produce this force.    It would be more in keeping with modern notions of the nature of forces if the inertial force could some day be traced to a purely local interaction with the particles of a quanitized field.    This field would be assumed to have its source in all the matter of the Universe.    A particle at rest at the origin of a coordinate system in which distant galaxies are moving uniformly away from the origin, would feel no force by reason of symmetry.    However, an acceleration destroys this symmetry,   and it would be expected that this distant accelerated matter would be a source of a gravitational field.

    This Mach's Principle views inertia as a dynamic gravitational effect due to the interaction of all the masses constituting the Universe.    Hence, if a pail containing rotating water, (and, with it, the Earth and the apparently stationary ensemble of stars), is assumed to carry with it the reference system of coordinates, then the centrifugal force acting on the spinning body of water is attributed to 'outside' forces.

   Mach concluded that the outside forces might be called either inertial or dynamically gravitational,   the latter presumed to be due to an action of the masses of the Universe with respect to which the body of water is spinning.    On the other hand, if the reference system of coordinates is assumed to be fixed onto the water, (spinning with it), then the body of water would have to be viewed as standing still, - but the mass of the pail, the contained Earth and stars of the Universe, would spin about the now relatively stationary body of water - and their dynamically gravitational pull would result in the formation of the same cocave hollow surface which, under the previous assumption, resulted from the presumedly inertial centrifugal action.

    Inertial mass changes with the velocity of a body based on Einstein's Relativity equations.    Since gravitational mass is equal to inertial mass, (again per Einstein), gravitational mass should also change with the velocity of the body.

The Black Vault Archives

Now, I am going to do an excerpt out of one of "Benjamin"'s letters, because I figure if I paraphrase it, I will just get the information mixed up. So here it is: "I worked on the Gravity Catapult. Einstein General Theory has a number of similarities to the Maxwell theory of electromagnetism. In electromagnetism, the basic source of all the forces is the charge in the electron. The charge generates an electric field. If you move the charge to form an electric current, the current generates a magnetic field. If you increase or decrease a magnetic field, that hanging magnetic field in turn generates an electric field.

The same thing happens in gravity. The basic source of all the forces is the mass of whatever particles you are using. The mass generates a gravity field. If you move the particles to form a mass current, the current generates a new field that is the gravitational equivalent of the magnetic field. (an anti-gravity engine). We have it, have had it for several years now and I worked on it. Why do you think NASA is slowly trying to down-size. They keep calling for smaller cheaper engines and so forth. They know that the present form of space-flight as well as transportation here on Earth is about to change. They don't want to waste the money...but they have to or everyone will wonder why. The use millions of dollars of tax-payer money on useless stuff! This engine uses no fuel, has no sound and can never break. Since it uses gravitational fields for long as you have gravity, the engine will work."

The preceeding is excerpted from material on the Black Vault Web Site:
The Black Vault

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KEYWORDS - James Clerk Maxwell...Nikola Tesla...Dr. Albert Einstein... T. Townsend Brown...Professor Biefeld...Tom Bearden... Eugene Podkletnov...Edward Leedskalnin... Dr. Fredrick Alzofon...Harold Aspden... Al Bielek... P.M.S. Blackett...Brown...Dr. Charles F. Brush...Otis T. Carr... Dr. Richard Clarke...W. D. Clendonon... Lt. Col. Philip Corso...Casimer...Cassenti...Dr Richard Clark... Robert Collins...Leroy Cook... David Cowlishaw... Dr. Willaim Crookes...Dan Davidson...Norman Dean... Montimen Delroy...Dr. Robert Dicke... Bruce DePalma...Dishington...Dr. Robert Forward... Richard Foster...Frost...Erich Halik... Halvosky...James Hartman...David Hammel...Hawasaka... Hoyassaka...Oliver Heaverside...Dr. Berthart Heim... Daniel D. Home...David Hooper...Dr. William Hooper... Yamashita Huaro...John Hutchingson... Jefimenko...Alex Jones...John Keely...Kellogg...Don Kelly... Sandy Kidd...Peter Kummel... Eric Laithwaite...Robert Lazar...Le Sage...Ed Leedskelstein... William Littlejohn...Dr. Ning Li...Fran McCabe... Randall Mill, Modanese, Moebuis (Faile)...Misner...Naudin... Hans Nieper...Dr. Francis Nipher... Marcel Pages...W. Peschaka...Dr. Eugene Podkletnov... Poliakov...Dr. Harold Puthoff...William Rhodes... Bud Rieken...Dr. Erwin Saxl...Dr. Schuman...Schnurer... John R. R. Searl...John Schnurrer... Vicktor Schauberger...Shinicki Seike...Wilbur Smith... Neil Sorenzen...Scott Strachan...Floyd Sweet... Dr. Edward Teller...Douglas Toor...Torr...Travis Taylor... Kip Thorne...Henry Wallace...John Wheeler...Harold Wilson... Dr. Ed Witten...James Woodward...etc...