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Robert Stirniman's
Antigravity Bibliography - 1
This file contains an electrogravitic reference list -- copied ad hoc
from various other files and sources. Prepared by; Robert Stirniman
This Update: March 1, 1996
NOTE: Danger Will Robinson! Some of the following information is serious,
and some is nonsense. Some of the things that might at first seem to be
nonsense, are not. And some things referenced below, which come from
serious credentialed sources, are in fact nonsense.
Whatever the case, it's been included. Good luck sorting it out.
Understanding gravity is a matter of time.
Internet Sites
Elektromagnum web site by David Jonsson:
Los Alamos National Lab Physics E-Print Archive:
Center for Gravitational Physics and Geometry:
Bill Beaty's Weird Science, Anomalous Physics, Free-Energy, Tesla Society:
The Institute For New Energy, Patrick Bailey, homepage :
Digital Equipment Corp's Alta Vista web search engine. If
you can't find it with this, it ain't out there yet.
Elsevier Science. Search or browse the table of contents of more
than 900 science and technology journals. Data since early 1995.
Norman Redington's website, The Net Advance of Physics, recent
preprints and papers describing new developments in physics:
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University's Aerospace Virtual Library:
Jack R. Hunt Memorial Library (aerospace):
American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics (AIAA) home page:
NASA Langley Research Center Library:
NASA Scientific and Technical Information:
University of Alabama at Hunstville. Dr Ning Li and Dr Douglas Torr.
Microgravity research consultants to NASA's Marshall Space Center.
The Microgravity Research Experiments (MICREX) Data Base
Interstellar Propulsion Society:
National Science Foundation World Wide Web Server.
Find out where your science tax dollars are going.
Nexus magazine web page:
Home page of New Scientist magazine:
The Farce of Physics:
The World Wide Web Virtual Library: Sumeria/Technology
The Society for the Advancement of Autodynamics website:
Popular Mechanics' Tech Update Article Archive:
Fortean web site:
Homepage of Apeiron Magazine:
Borderland Sciences Research Foundation ftp site:
Homepage of the International Society of Unified Science,
for advancing the Reciprocal System Theory of Dewey B. Larson:
Frank Lofaro's homepage, including alternative science links,
and two articles by Whittaker written in 1903 and 1904 about
scalar field theory and free energy:
Homepage of the Oppositely Charged Twin Monopole (OCTM) theory
of matter, "Gravity is a Push", US patent number 5,377,936:
Dr Eujin Jeong's Dipole Theory of Gravity homepage:
Levesque's ( web site:
UFOs and the New Physics:
There is a fairly large body of evidence which supports the idea
of a strong relationship, and possibly an equivalent fundamental
source, for electromagnetism and gravitation. Many references to this
effect are contained in this resource list. But for now, let's forget
about the experimental evidence and theoretical ideas which are
presented here, and begin with first principles.
What if our knowledge of physics had evolved differently?
What if no one had ever given a thought to any theory of gravitation,
before we discovered the principles and theories of electromagnetics
and the two nuclear forces. We might have developed some fairly good
theories which unify the "three" forces. We would know that clumps of
matter are held together primarily by electromagnetic forces. And we
would find experimentally that if we separate some of these clumps of
matter, a small force continues to exist which trys to bring them back
together. Would it seem rational to speculate that this force is
something entirely new and completely different from electromagnetics?
Would it not be a great foolishness to invent something new and call
it gravity and claim that it has no relationship with the known forces,
and then write elaborate mathematical theories which describe it solely
as geometry?
Or, would it be more rational to see it as what it probably is --
a manifestation of the electromagnetic forces which we already know
to hold matter together?
Could it be that electric charge is a fundamental thing, and inertial
mass is merely a shadow of something primal, and what we know as a
gravitational field is merely the net result of other primary fields?
Geometrize it if you find it useful to do so, but please recognize that
defining gravity as geometry lends no information to the understanding
of its cause.
Of all the forces we know, there is none stronger than a paradigm.
-- Robert Stirniman
Date: Tue, 12 Dec 1995 11:30:30 -0500
Author(s): Kenneth Dalton
Journal-ref: Hadronic J. 17 (1994) 483-501
Hypothesis: The electromagnetic field is the source of gravitation.
This treatment of gravitation is consistent with the quantum theory
of matter, which holds that electric charge (or `generalized
charge') is the most fundamental attribute of matter. Experimental
predictions of the theory include: (1) any massive body generates a
time-dependent gravitational field; (2) there is a linear
correlation between the gravitational red-shift of a stellar source
and the energy of cosmic rays emitted by that source, given by $
{\Delta \nu}/{\nu_0} = energy (eV)/10^{27} $; (3) the maximum energy
of cosmic rays is $ 10^{27} $ eV; (4) this limit is associated with
an infinitely red-shifted stellar object, an ``electrostatic
black-hole,'' at the potential $ c^2/G^{1/2} = 10^{27} $ volts.
Finally, the theory predicts that the gravitational potential near
any charged elementary particle is many orders of magnitude greater
than the Newtonian value.
From: Kenichi Horie
Date: Sat, 13 Jan 1996 14:41:29 +0900
Geometric Interpretation of Electromagnetism in a Gravitational Theory
with Torsion and Spinorial Matter
Author(s): Kenichi Horie (KEK Japan)
Comments: Ph.D. thesis, 98 pages, LaTeX file, ca 276kB
Possible geometric frameworks for a unified theory of gravity and
electromagnetism are investigated: General relativity is enlarged by
allowing for an arbitrary complex linear connection and by
constructing an extended spinor derivative based on the complex
connection. Thereby the spacetime torsion not only is coupled to the
spin of fermions and causes a four-fermion contact interaction, but
the non-metric vector-part of torsion is also related to the
electromagnetic potential. However, this long-standing relation is
shown to be valid only in a special U(1) gauge, and it is a formal
consequence of the underlying extended geometry.
Salem, Kenneth G.
The new gravity : a new force, a new mass, a new acceleration : unifying
gravity with light / Kenneth G. Salem. 1st ed. Johnstown, PA :
Salem Books, c1994. xiii, 181 p. : ill. ; 22 cm.
LC CALL NUMBER: QC794.6.G7 S26 1994
SUBJECTS: Unified field theories. Gravitation. Electromagnetic interactions.
ISBN: 0962539813
Green, James A.
Gravitation & the electroform model : from general relativity to unified
field theory / by James A. Green. 7th ed. [Wichita, Kan.] : Greenwood
Research, c1994. 33 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
LC CALL NUMBER: QC178 .G68 1994
SUBJECTS: Gravitation. Unified field theories. Astrophysics.
"Wichita State University Physics Graduate Seminar, Dec.1993 and Dec. 1994"
Another very interesting research on anti-gravity is done (and still
going on) by the Japanese prof. Shinishi SEIKE. He published his
findings in the book " The Principles of Ultra Relativity ".
For his highly mathematical (no nonsense) book write to:
Shinichi SEIKE
G Research Institute
Box 33
UWAJIMA/Ehime (798)
Patents for anti-gravity devices and systems have been issued to
Brown, Hooper, Wallace, and others.
US Patents Awarded to Townsend Brown --
300,311 T.T.Brown Nov. 15, 1928 A Method of and an Apparatus
or Machine for Producing Force
or Motion
1,974,483 T.T.Brown Sept. 25, 1934 Electrostatic Motor
2,949,550 T.T.Brown Aug. 16, 1960 Electrokinetic Apparatus
3,022,430 T.T.Brown Feb. 20, 1962 Electrokinetic Generator
3,187,206 T.T.Brown June 1, 1965 Electrokinetic Apparatus
3,296,491 T.T.Brown Jan. 3, 1967 Method and Apparatus for Produc-
ing Ions and Electrically-Charged
3,518,462 T.T.Brown June 30, 1970 Fluid Flow Control System
Dr. late William J. Hooper, BA, MA, PhD in Physics was affiliated with
the University of California at Berkley, and was Professor Emeritus,
when he died in 1971. His works are documented and he gained two U.S.
He claimed use of the "Motional Electric Field" to produce gravity and
anti-gravity for use in SPACECRAFT and AIRCRAFT. Indeed, in U.S. patent
#3,610,971 you can see a Flying Saucer diagram is used as an example
in Figure 7.
-- James Hartman, CaluNET Future Science Administrator
US Patent #3,610,971. "All Electric Motional Electric Field Generator",
Awarded to William Hooper, April 1969
US Patent # 3,656,013. "Apparatus for Generating Motional Electric Field",
Awarded to William Hooper, April 1972
Hooper, W. J. (1974). New Horizons in Electric, Magnetic and
Gravitational Field Theory, Electrodynamic Gravity, Inc. 1969
Electrodynamic Gravity, Inc., 1983
"Electric Propulsion Study", Dr. Dennis Cravens, SAIC Corp,
prepared for USAF Astronautics Lab at Edwards AFB, August 1990
-- Section 3.7 Non-Inductive Coils
Several authors have suggested that v x B term in the Lorentz
expression should be called into question. Several unverified
experimental results have ever been made. An experiment is
suggested to test one or several of these theoretical views.
This is an area where the experimental procedure is workable
and the outcome could have direct results in the area of inertia
During the late 60's William J. Hooper put forth an interesting
theory involving the v x B terms dynamic electrical circuits.
There was and is uncertainty as to the exact physical understanding
of the Biot-Savart-Lorentz law and Ampere's law involving the set
of reaction forces. Peter Graneau has studied these expressions.
Hoopers view was that there are three different types of electric
fields due to the distribution of electric field, and two due
to induction.
At the heart of the issue is the connection of the magnetic field
and its source in the charged particles. EM theory is presently
consistent with the idea that spinning magnetic dipoles create
effects indistinguishable from charged particles. There has been
no critical experiment which can disprove whether a magnetic flux
rotates with its source. If it does co-move with its source then
it is logical to assume that a motional electric field in a fixed
reference frame of the current induces a magnetic field. This
concept is likewise consistent with a field-free interpretation
such as Ampere's original laws.
(with 4 pages more about Hooper's theories)
ELECTROMAGNETIC FORCES, by Nils Rognerud 1994 (
(available at the elektromagnum web site)
This paper is a review of the problem of the observable action of
gravitational forces on charged particles. The author discusses the
induced electric fields and the sometimes overlooked unique physical
properties. He analyzes several experiments, showing the reality of
the induced electric fields. The current interpretation, based on the
idea of only one electric field, with certain characteristics, is
compared with alternative approaches.
The Hooper Coil:
The author has tested a setup by pulsing strong currents, opposite and
equal, through multiple parallel conductors. The configuration of the
conductors in this type of experiment will cancel the B-fields, while
still producing an Em field, in accordance with Eq. 4.2. This is
similar to an experiment by Hooper (W. J. Hooper), who successfully
predicted and measured the motional electric field - all in zero
resultant B-field.
Interestingly, all of the above experiments can influence an electron
with a zero B-field, in the region of the electron. This has some
profound implications - one of which is that the motional electric
force field is immune to electrostatic or magnetic shielding.
Experimentally, it can be confirmed that the motional electric field
is immune to shielding and follows the boundary conditions of the
magnetic (not electric) field. The only way to shield a motional
electric field is to use a magnetic shield around the source of the
magnetic flux - containing it at the source. These effects are not
startling if one remembers that the motional electric field is a
magnetic effect and that a magnetic field has a different boundary
condition than the electric field.
US Patent #3626605 -- "Method and Apparatus for Generating
a Secondary Gravitational Force Field"
Awarded to Henry Wm Wallace of Ardmore PA Dec 14, 1971
US Patent #3626606 -- "Method and Apparatus for Generating a
Dynamic Force Field"
Awarded to Henry Wm Wallace of Ardmore PA Dec 14, 1971
US Patent #3823570 -- "Heat Pump" (based on technology
similar to the above two inventions)
Awarded to Henry Wm Wallace of Freeport NY July 16, 1973
Gravity is a PUSH!
United States Patent Number 5,377,936
In the early 1960s, Erwin Saxl conducted a series of experiments which
seemed to illustrate a non-zero coupling between EM and gravitational
fields. He claimed to see a change in the period of a torque pendulum
when its electric potential was raised.
US Patent # 3357253 -- "Device and Method for Measuring Gravitational
and Other Forces", awarded to E.J. Saxl, December 1967
"An Electrically Charged Torque Pendulum", by E.J. Saxl,
Nature 203, Page 136, July 11 1963.
US patent number #5,076,971.
Barker places radioactive elements inside the sphere of a
Van de Graaff generator, runs it at a negative potential for several
minutes/hours/days -- and finds that the rate of radioactive decay
is extremely enhanced -- with some relationship to the magnitude of
the negative potential.
The principal investigator undertook a series of experiments to test
the "Barker effect" and the "Keller Catalytic Process" in changing the
rate of radioactive decay of heavy elements (elements heavier than
lead, such as radium, thorium, or uranium, all of which are
radioactive). Barker claims that subjecting radioactive materials to
high electrostatic potentials (50,000 volts to 500,000 volts) can
increase or decrease the rate of radioactive decay, with short
exposures of the high voltage capable of inducing erratic decay rates
which slowly return to normal over a period of weeks. Keller claims
that subjecting radioactive materials to the high heat and fusing
reaction of a chemical process (Keller Catalytic Process) can
eliminate the radioactivity completely.
-- Michael Mandeville
Carr, Otis (1959). "Amusement Device," (i.e. A Flying Saucer),
US Patent No. 2,912,244.
Otis Carr's work involved counter-rotating charged discs that
supposedly produced thrust when they reached a certain speed in
relation the the earth's rotational speed and became activated by
free energy from space. Maybe he did have something."
-- James E. Cox
Carr's work is similar in some respects to Hooper's inventions. In
both cases, an anti-gravitational effect is reported to result
from equal and opposite electric currents. Furthermore, one of
Hooper's embodiments, the pancake coil, has an uncanny resemblance to
the gravitational shielding experiments which were recently conducted
in Tampere Finland (1992 and 1995).
Except that in the Tampere experiments, the equal and opposite current
is generated in a superconductor disk by way of the Meissner effect.
Will we soon begin to recognize value of the discoveries that
Carr made nearly 40 years ago, and Hooper made over 25 years ago?
-- Robert Stirniman
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