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Antigravity Bibliography - 20------------------------------------- Background Physics Reference Books: QC178:D41 de Sabbata, Venzo SPIN AND TORSION IN GRAVITATION. By Venzo de Sabbata and C. Sivaram. World Scientific, 1994. 313p. QCD161:T88 Troshin, S.M. SPIN PHENOMENA IN PARTICLE INTERACTIONS. By S.M. Troshin and N.E. Tyurin. World Scientific, 1994. 211p. QCD161:S921:1992 International Symposium on High Energy Spin Physics, 10th, (35TH Yamada Conference), Nagoya, Japan, Nov 9-14 1992. FRONTIERS OF HIGH ENERGY SPIN PHYSICS: proceedings. Edited by T. Hasegawa, N. Horikawa, A. Masaike, S. Sawada. Universal Academy Press, 1993. 950p. (Frontiers Science series, 6) QCD125:I5:1991 International Conf. on Spin and Isospin in Nuclear Interactions, Telluride, CO, Mar 11-15, 1991. SPIN AND ISOSPIN IN NUCLEAR INTERACTIONS: proceedings. Edited by Scott W. Wissink, Charles D. Goodman, George E. Walker. Plenum Press, 1991. 535p. QCD125:W6 Wolf, Dieter SPIN TEMPERATURE AND NUCLEAR SPIN RELAXATION IN MATTER: basic principles and applications. By Dieter Wolf. Clarendon Press, 1979. 462p. (The International series of Monographs on Physics) QCD161:S921:1990:V.2 Workshops on Polarized Electron Sources and Electron Spin Polarimeters, Siberian Snakes and Polarization in Circular Machines, Polarized Gas Targets and Polarized Solid Targets, Bonn, Germany, Sep 1990. Springer-Verlag. QC611:T5 Tilley, David R. SUPERFLUIDITY AND SUPERCONDUCTIVITY. By David R. Tilley and John Tilley. Wiley, 1974. 262p. QC611:L6 London, Fritz SUPERFLUIDS. 2d rev. ed. By Fritz London. Dover, 1960. QC611:D6 Donnelly, R.J. EXPERIMENTAL SUPERFLUIDITY. By R.J. Donnelly. Univ. of Chicago Press, 1967. 264p. Lectures given at the Univ. of Chicago, winter 1966. QC278:L3 Lane, Cecil T. SUPERFLUID PHYSICS. By Cecil T. Lane. McGraw-Hill, 1962. 226p. QCD125:I5:1982 International Conference on Spin Excitations in Nuclei, Telluride, Colo., Mar 25-27, 1982. SPIN EXCITATIONS IN NUCLEI: proceedings. Edited by F. Petrovich, et al. Plenum Press, 1984. 658p. (C82/03/25.2) QC173:C59 Cohen-Tannoudji, C. ATOMS IN ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS. By C. Cohen-Tannoudji. World Scientific, 1994. 670p. (World Scientific Series on Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, v. 1) QA871:S5 Sibgatullin, Nail R. OSCILLATIONS AND WAVES IN STRONG GRAVITATIONAL AND ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS. By Nail R. Sibgatullin. Springer- Verlag, 1991. 362p. (Texts and Monographs in Physics) Translation of a Russian book published in 1984. QC760:H4 Herlach, F. STRONG AND ULTRASTRONG MAGNETIC FIELDS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS. Edited by F. Herlach. Springer-Verlag, 1985. 362p. (Topics in Applied Physics, v. 57) QC760:I5:1982 International Symposium on High Field Magnetism, Osaka, Japan, Sep 13-14, 1982. HIGH FIELD MAGNETISM: proceedings. Edited by M. Date. North- Holland, 1983. 348p. (C82/09/13.2) QC760:P31 Parker, E.N. COSMICAL MAGNETIC FIELDS: their origin and their activity. By E.N. Parker. Clarendon Press, 1979. 841p. (International series of Monographs on Physics) QC760:I5:1979 International Conference on Megagauss Magnetic Field Generation and Related Topics, 2nd, Wash., D.C., May 30 - Jun 1, 1979. MEGAGAUSS PHYSICS AND TECHNOLOGY: proceedings. Edited by Peter J. Turchi. Plenum Press, 1980. 683p. QC760:P3 Parkinson, David H. THE GENERATION OF HIGH MAGNETIC FIELDS. By David H. Parkinson and Brian E. Mulhall. Plenum Press, 1967. 165p. (International Cryogenics Monograph Series) QC760:K5 Knoepfel, Heinz PULSED HIGH MAGNETIC FIELDS: physical effects and generation methods concerning pulsed fields up to the meg By Heinz Knoepfel. North-Holland, 1970. 372p. QC711:G4 Gekker, I.R. INTERACTION OF STRONG ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS WITH PLASMAS. By I.R. Gekker. Clarendon Press, 1982. 324p. (Oxford Studies in Physics) Translation of a Russian book published in 1978. QC670:H28 Harrington, Roger F. TIME - HARMONIC ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS. By Roger F. Harrington. McGraw-Hill, 1961. 480p. (McGraw-Hill Electrical and Electronic Engineering Series) QCD161:S23 Sachs, Robert G. THE PHYSICS OF TIME REVERSAL. By Robert G. Sachs. Univ. of Chicago Press, 1987. 309p. QCD161:B13 Baez, John GAUGE FIELDS, KNOTS, AND GRAVITY. By John Baez and Javier P. Muniain. World Scientific, 1994. 465p. (Series on Knots and Everything, v. 4) QC518:Y3 Yaghjian, Arthur D. RELATIVISTIC DYNAMICS OF A CHARGED SPHERE: updating the Lorentz - Abraham model. By Arthur D. Yaghjian. Springer-Verlag, 1992. 115p. (Lecture Notes in Physics: New Series: Monographs, M11) QC670:M65 Moore, J. MOMENT METHODS IN ELECTROMAGNETICS: techniques and applications. Edited by J. Moore and R. Pizer. Wiley, 1984. 398p. (Electronic and Electrical Engineering Research Studies, Antennas series, 4) QC670:K6 Konopinski, Emil J. ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS AND RELATIVISTIC PARTICLES. By Emil J. Konopinski. McGraw-Hill, 1981. 626p. (International series in Pure and Applied Physics) QC670:P6 Post, E. J. FORMAL STRUCTURE OF ELECTROMAGNETICS: general covariance and electromagnetics. By E. J. Post. Interscience, 1962. 204p. (Series in Physics) QC661:R6 Rowe, Joseph E. NONLINEAR ELECTRON - WAVE INTERACTION PHENOMENA. By Joseph E. Rowe. Academic Press, 1965. 591p. (Electrical Science Series) QC670:G7 Grimes, Dale M. ELECTROMAGNETISM AND QUANTUM THEORY. By Dale M. Grimes. Academic Press, 1969. 151p. QC518:M31 Maxwell, James Clerk THE SCIENTIFIC PAPERS OF JAMES CLERK MAXWELL. By James Clerk Maxwell. Dover, 1965. 2v in 1 QC518:M3:1891 Maxwell, James Clerk A TREATISE OF ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 3d ed. By James Clerk Maxwell. Dover, 1892. 2v. QC518:L3 Landau, Lev Davidovich ELECTRODYNAMICS OF CONTINUOUS MEDIA. By Lev Davidovich Landau and E. M. Lifshitz. Pergamon Press, 1960. 417p. (Course of Theoretical Physics, v. 8) Translation of a Russian book. QC6:T6 Tolman, Richard C. RELATIVITY, THERMODYNAMICS AND COSMOLOGY. By Richard C. Tolman. Clarendon Press, 1934. 502p. TK3401:B31 Bartnikas, R. ENGINEERING DIELECTRICS: v. 2a: electrical properties of solid insulating materials: molecular structur Edited by R. Bartnikas and R.M. Eichhorn. American Soc. Testing Materials, 1983. 721p. (ASTM Special Technical Publication, 783) TK3401:M3 (Massachusetts Inst. of Tech., Cambridge. Lab. for Insulation Research). DIELECTRIC CONSTANT AND LOSS DATA. By William B. Westphal and Aina Sils., 1972. 224p. (AFML-TR-72-39) TK7835:S33 Schlicke, Heinz M. ESSENTIALS OF DIELECTROMAGNETIC ENGINEERING: an introduction to the thinking in and the use of ferrites and high permittivi By Heinz M. Schlicke. Wiley, 1961. 242p. TK3421:S3 Saums, Harry L. MATERIALS FOR ELECTRICAL INSULATING AND DIELECTRIC FUNCTIONS. By Harry L. Saums and Wesley W. Pendelton. Hayden, 1973. 340p. TK3421:B5 Birks, J.B. MODERN DIELECTRIC MATERIALS. Edited by J.B. Birks. Heywood, 1960. 253p. TK3401:Z3 Zaky, A.A. DIELECTRIC SOLIDS. By A.A. Zaky and R. Hawley. Dover, 1970. 106p. (Solid State Physics series) TK3401:V63 Von Hippel, Arthur R. DIELECTRICS AND WAVES. By Arthur R. Von Hippel. Wiley, 1954. 284p. TK3401:V6 Von Hippel, Arthur R. DIELECTRIC MATERIALS AND APPLICATIONS: papers by 22 contributors. Edited by Arthur R. Von Hippel. Wiley, 1954. 438p. (Technology Press Books in Science and Engineering) TK3401:P4 Peek, F., Jr. DIELECTRIC PHENOMENA IN HIGH VOLTAGE ENGINEERING. 3rd ed. By F. Peek, Jr.. University Microfilms, 1929. 410p. Originally published in 1929. TK3401:D3 Daniel, Vera V. DIELECTRIC RELAXATION. By Vera V. Daniel. Academic Press, 1967. 281p. TK3401:A5 Anderson, J.C. DIELECTRICS. By J.C. Anderson. Reinhold, 1964. 171p. QCD161:J62:1994 Joint U.S.- Polish Workshop on Physics from Planck Scale to Electro- Weak Scale (SUSY 94), Warsaw, Poland, Sep 21-24, 1994. PHYSICS FROM PLANCK SCALE TO ELECTROWEAK SCALE: proceedings. Edited by Pran Nath, Tomasz Taylor, Stefan Pokorski. World Scientific, 1995. 495p. (C94/09/21) QCD161:R4:1994:V.1 Rencontres de Moriond, 29th: Electroweak Interactions and Unified Theories, Meribel les Allues, France, March 12-19, 1994. '94 ELECTROWEAK INTERACTIONS AND UNIFIED THEORIES: proceedings. Edited by J. Tran Thanh Van. Editions Frontieres, 1994. 638p. (Moriond Particle Physics Meeting - Leptonic Session M82) QCD161:H597 Horejsi, J. INTRODUCTION TO ELECTROWEAK UNIFICATION: standard model from tree unitarity. By J. Horejsi. World Scientific, 1994. 156p. QCD161:S939:1993 International Workshop on Weak Interactions and Neutrinos, 14th, held as the 12th Symposium on Theoretical Physics, Seoul, Korea, Jul 19-24, 1993. WEAK INTERACTIONS AND NEUTRINOS: proceedings. Edited by Jihn E. Kim and S.K. Kim. World Scientific, 1994. 353p. (C93/07/ 19.4) QCD161:G72 Grotz, K. THE WEAK INTERACTION IN NUCLEAR, PARTICLE AND ASTROPHYSICS. By K. Grotz and H.V. Klapdor. Hilger, 1990. 461p. Translation of a German book published in 1989. QCD161:L1:V.10 Haidt, D. ELECTROWEAK INTERACTIONS: experimental facts and theoretical foundation. By D. Haidt and H. Pietschmann. Springer-Verlag, 1988. 300p. (Landolt-Bornstein : Numerical Data and Functional Relationships in Science and Technology: New Series, Group 1: Nuclear and Particle Physics, Volume 10) QCD161:B51 Bilenkii, S.M. INTRODUCTION TO THE PHYSICS OF ELECTROWEAK INTERACTIONS. By S.M. Bilenkii. Pergamon Press, 1982. 278p. Translation of a Russian book published in 1981. QC518:M55 Moore, A.D. ELECTROSTATICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS. By A.D. Moore. Wiley, 1973. 481p. TJ1096:G4 British Scientific Instrument Research Assoc., London, Eng. MAGNETIC AND ELECTRIC SUSPENSIONS: a survey of their design, construction and use., 1964. 162p. (Survey of Instrument Parts, 6) QA911:M4 Melcher, James R. FIELD COUPLED SURFACE WAVES: a comparative study of surface coupled electrohydrodynamic and magnetohydrodyn By James R. Melcher. MIT Press, 1963. 190p. QCD161:D68 Doughty, Noel A. LAGRANGIAN INTERACTION: an introduction to relativistic symmetry in electrodynamics and gravitation. By Noel A. Doughty. Addison-Wesley, 1990. 569p. QC670:K55 Komar, A.A. CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM EFFECTS IN ELECTRODYNAMICS. Edited by A.A. Komar. Nova Science, 1988. 286p. (Proceedings of the Lebedev Physics Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, v. 176) Translation of a Russian book published in 1986. QC670:J32 Jancewicz, Bernard MULTIVECTORS AND CLIFFORD ALGEBRA IN ELECTRODYNAMICS. By Bernard Jancewicz. World Scientific, 1988. 316p. QC670:P3 Parrott, Stephen RELATIVISTIC ELECTRODYNAMICS AND DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY. By Stephen Parrott. Springer-Verlag, 1987. 307p. QCD161:R58 Rohrlich, F. CLASSICAL CHARGED PARTICLES: foundations of their theory. By F. Rohrlich. Addison-Wesley, 1965. 305p. (Addison-Wesley series in Advanced Physics) Republished in 1990. QC711:A4 Alfven, Hannes COSMICAL ELECTRODYNAMICS, FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES. 2d ed. By Hannes Alfven and Carl-Gunne Falthammer. Clarendon Press, 1963. 228p. QD547:S4 Selwood, P.W. CHEMISORPTION AND MAGNETIZATION. By P.W. Selwood. Academic Press, 1975. 172p. Previous edition published in 1962 with title, 'Adsorption and Collective Paramagnetism'. QCD945:S55 Squires, Terence L. AN INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRON SPIN RESONANCE. By Terence L. Squires. Academic Press, 1964. 140p. QCD125:P3 Pake, George E. PARAMAGNETIC RESONANCE: an introductory monograph. By George E. Pake. Benjamin, 1962. 205p. (Frontiers in Physics series) AUTHOR :Slichter, Charles P. TITLE :Principles of magnetic resonance / C.P. Slichter. EDITION :3rd enl. and updated ed. PUBLISHED :Berlin ; New York : Springer-Verlag, c1990. SERIES :Springer series in solid-state sciences; 1 SUBJECT :Nuclear magnetic resonance QCD125:L3 Low, William PARAMAGNETIC RESONANCE IN SOLIDS. By William Low. Academic Press, 1960. 212p. (Solid State Physics, Supp. 2) QCD161:D68 Doughty, Noel A. LAGRANGIAN INTERACTION: an introduction to relativistic symmetry in electrodynamics and gravitation. By Noel A. Doughty. Addison-Wesley, 1990. 569p. QC178:I6:1993 International Symposium on Experimental Gravitation, Nathiagali, Pakistan, Jun 26 - Jul 2, 1993. EXPERIMENTAL GRAVITATION: proceedings. Edited by M. Karim and A. Qadir. IOP Publishing, 1994. 368p. (C93/06/26) invited papers see ALSO: Classical and Quantum Gravity, v. 11, no. 6A, 1994. QC178:W25:1993 WE-Heraeus Seminar, 117th: On the Canonical Formalism in Classical and Quantum Relativity, Bad Honnef, Germany, Sep 13-17, 1993. CANONICAL GRAVITY: FROM CLASSICAL TO QUANTUM: proceedings. Edited by J. Ehlers and H. Friedrich. Springer-Verlag, 1994. 367p. (Lecture Notes in Physics, 434) QCD161:R339:1993 Rencontres de Moriond, 28th: Perspectives in Neutrinos, Atomic Physics and Gravitation, Villars sur Ollon, Switzerland, Jan 30 - Feb 6, 1993. PERSPECTIVES IN NEUTRINOS, ATOMIC PHYSICS, AND GRAVITATION: proceedings. Edited by J. Tran Thanh Van, T. Damour, E. Hinds, J. Wilkerson. Editions Frontieres, 1993. 589p. (Moriond Workshops M76) QC178:B3 Knots and Quantum Gravity, Riverside, Calif., May 14-16, 1993. KNOTS AND QUANTUM GRAVITY: proceedings. Edited by John C. Baez. Oxford Univ. Press, 1994. 229p. (Oxford Lecture Series in Mathematics and its Applications, 1) QC178:W25:1993 WE-Heraeus Seminar, 117th: On the Canonical Formalism in Classical and Quantum Relativity, Bad Honnef, Germany, Sep 13-17, 1993. CANONICAL GRAVITY: FROM CLASSICAL TO QUANTUM: proceedings. Edited by J. Ehlers and H. Friedrich. Springer-Verlag, 1994. 367p. (Lecture Notes in Physics, 434) QC178:E8:1994 Esposito, Giampiero QUANTUM GRAVITY, QUANTUM COSMOLOGY AND LORENTZIAN GEOMETRIES. 2nd corrected and enlarged ed. By Giampiero Esposito. Springer- Verlag, 1994. 349p. (Lecture Notes in Physics: New Series: Monographs, M12) QC178:B8 Buchbinder, I.L. EFFECTIVE ACTION IN QUANTUM GRAVITY. By I.L. Buchbinder, S.D. Odinstov, I.L. Shapiro. Institute of Physics, 1992. 413p. QC174.45:N2:1989 Cargese Summer Institute: NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Probabilistic Methods in Quantum Field Theory and Quantum Gravity, Cargese, France, Aug 21-27, 1989. PROBABILISTIC METHODS IN QUANTUM FIELD THEORY AND QUANTUM GRAVITY: proceedings. Edited by P.H. Damgaard, H. Huffel, A. Rosenblum. Plenum Press, 1990. 374p. (NATO Advanced Study Institute, Series B: Physics, v. 224) QC178:V6 von Borzeszkowski, H.H. THE MEANING OF QUANTUM GRAVITY. By H.H. von Borzeszkowski and H.J. Treder. Reidel, 1988. 132p. (Fundamental Theories of Physics) QA671:B4 Benn, I.M. AN INTRODUCTION TO SPINORS AND GEOMETRY WITH APPLICATIONS IN PHYSICS. By I.M. Benn and R.W. Tucker. Hilger, 1987. 358p. QC6:P4 Penrose, Roger SPINORS AND SPACE-TIME. By Roger Penrose and Wolfgang Rindler. Cambridge Univ. Press, 1984. 2v. QC174.5:C6 Corson, Edward Michael INTRODUCTION TO TENSORS, SPINORS, AND RELATIVISTIC WAVE EQUATIONS (RELATION STRUCTURE). By Edward Michael Corson. Hafner, 1953. 221p. QA171:C32 Cartan, Elie THE THEORY OF SPINORS. By Elie Cartan. MIT Press, 1966. 157p. Translation of a French book published in 1937. QC171:M45 Mezard, Marc SPIN GLASS THEORY AND BEYOND. By Marc Mezard, Giorgio Parisi, Miguel Angel Virasoro. World Scientific, 1987. 461p. (World Scientific Lecture Notes in Physics, v. 9) QCD161:K28 Kalinowski, Marek Wojciech NONSYMMETRIC FIELDS: theory and its applications. By Marek Wojciech Kalinowski. World Scientific, 1990. 518p. QCD161:C66 Coquereaux, Robert RIEMANNIAN GEOMETRY, FIBER BUNDLES, KALUZA-KLEIN THEORIES AND ALL THAT. By Robert Coquereaux and Arkadiusz Jadczyk. World Scientific, 1988. 345p. (World Scientific Lecture Notes in Physics, v. 16) QCD161:A66 Appelquist, Thomas MODERN KALUZA - KLEIN THEORIES. Edited by Thomas Appelquist, Alan Chodos, Peter G.O. Freund. Benjamin/Cummings, 1985. 619p. (Frontiers in Physics, v. 65) QC174.1:K38 Kaiser, G. QUANTUM PHYSICS, RELATIVITY AND COMPLEX SPACETIME: towards a new synthesis. By G. Kaiser. North-Holland, 1990. 359p. (North- Holland Mathematics Studies, 163) QC6:Z4 Zeh, H.D. THE PHYSICAL BASIS OF THE DIRECTION OF TIME. By H.D. Zeh. Springer-Verlag, 1989. 166p. QC178:A81 Ashtekar, Abhay NEW PERSPECTIVES IN CANONICAL GRAVITY. By Abhay Ashtekar. Bibliopolis, 1988. 324p. (Monographs and Textbooks in Physical Science, Lecture notes, 5) QC6:N2:1985 NATO Advanced Study Institute on on Topological Properties and Global Structure of Space-Time, Erice, Italy, May 12-22, 1985. TOPOLOGICAL PROPERTIES AND GLOBAL STRUCTURE OF SPACE-TIME: proceedings. Edited by Peter G. Bergmann and Venzo De Sabbata. Plenum Press, 1986. 289p. (NATO Advanced Study Institute, Series B: Physics, v. 138) 9th Course of the International School of Cosmology and Gravitation of the Ettore Majorana Center. QC174.45:B5 Birrell, N.D. QUANTUM FIELDS IN CURVED SPACE. By N.D. Birrell and P.C.W. Davies. Cambridge Univ. Press, 1982. 340p. QCD161:M52 Misra, S.P. INTRODUCTION TO SUPERSYMMETRY AND SUPERGRAVITY. By S.P. Misra. Wiley Eastern, 1992. 240p. (SERC Schools series publications: Monographs on Theoretical High Energy Physics) QC178:M8 Muller, Martin CONSISTENT CLASSICAL SUPERGRAVITY THEORIES. Edited by Martin Muller. Springer-Verlag, 1989. (Lecture Notes in Physics, 336) QCD161:S713 Srivastava, Prem P. SUPERSYMMETRY, SUPERFIELDS AND SUPERGRAVITY: an introduction. By Prem P. Srivastava. Hilger, 1986. 162p. (Graduate Student Series in Physics) QC178:S25 Salam, Abdus SUPERGRAVITIES IN DIVERSE DIMENSIONS: commentary and reprints. Edited by Abdus Salam and Ergin Sezgin. World Scientific, 1989. 2v. QCD161:W61:1983 Workshop on Unification and Supergravity, La Jolla, Calif., Jan 13- 16, 1983. PROBLEMS IN UNIFICATION AND SUPERGRAVITY (LA JOLLA INSTITUTE, 1983): proceedings. Edited by Glennys Farrar and Frank Henyey. American Inst. Phys., 1984. 185p. (AIP Conference Proceedings, 116) QC178:N2:1983 NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Mathematical Aspects of Superspace, Hamburg, Germany, Jul 12-16, 1983. MATHEMATICAL ASPECTS OF SUPERSPACE: proceedings. Edited by H.J. Seifert, C.J.S. Clarke, A. Rosenblum. Reidel, 1984. 214p. (NATO Advanced Study Institute, Series C: Mathematical and Physical Sciences, v. 132) QC178:N2:1979 NATO Advanced Study Institute on Cosmology and Gravitation: Spin, Torsion, Rotation, and Supergravity, 6th, Erice, Italy, May 6-18, 1979. COSMOLOGY AND GRAVITATION: SPIN, TORSION, ROTATION, AND SUPERGRAVITY: proceedings. Edited by Peter G. Bergmann and Venzo de Sabbata. Plenum Press, 1980. 510p. (NATO Advanced Study Institute, Series B: Physics, v. 58) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Robert Stirniman ( 702-736-2900 ... The quest for knowledge is eternal. The worship of knowledge is infernal. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---End of Page 20---End of Stirniman's AntiGravity Bibliography File--- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
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