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Robert Stirniman's
Antigravity Bibliography - 5
Here are some titles by Townsend Brown:
"The Wizard of Electro-Gravity: The Man Who Discovered how UFOs
are powered." by William L. Moore. In UFO Report magazine. Unfortunately the
issue date is not on this copy, and the magazine is at work.
A lot of the same information can be found in the book "The
Philadelphia Experiment: Project Invisibility" by William L. Moore with
Charles Berlitz. Chapter 10 "The Force Fields of Townsend Brown".
These two items are the same, I just don't know which one came first.
Also there is more than one book with the title "The
Philadelphia Experiment". You want the one with ISBN 0-449-20526-6.
"The Townsend Brown Electro-Gravity Device: A Comprehensive
Evaluation by the Office of NAVAL Research" 15 September 1952.
Such as "How I Control Gravity by T. Townsend Brown" from
Science and Invention Magazine Aug. 1929.
"Townsend Brown and his Anti-Gravity Discs" by Gaston Burridge
in Fate Magazine. No issue date is visible.
"Electrical Self-Potential in Rocks" by T.Townsend Brown, some
time after 1/1976, but again no source is visible.
"Another Step Toward Anti-Gravity" by Gaston Burridge in The
American Mercury, June 1958, p77.
"Towards Flight without Stress or Strain... or Weight" by Intel,
Washington, D.C. [Doesn't make since but that is what it says.]
Some one just on the list here just reinvented "The Fluid Pump"
by T.Townsend Brown for the Whitehall-Rand Group, Washington DC
Paper: gr-qc/9207002
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 1992 17:52 CST
Title: Remarks on Pure Spin Connection Formulations of Gravity
Authors: Riccardo Capovilla and Ted Jacobson
Abstract: In the derivation of a pure spin connection action
functional for gravity two methods have been proposed. The first
starts from a first order lagrangian formulation, the second from a
hamiltonian formulation. In this note we show that they lead to
identical results for the specific cases of pure gravity with or
without a cosmological constant.
Paper: hep-th/9210110 (Phys. Rev. D47, R5214 (1993).)
From: (Jorge Pullin)
Date: Tue, 20 Oct 92 11:18:14 MDT
REPRESENTATION, R. Gambini, J. Pullin, 13pp. no figures.
We propose a naive unification of Electromagnetism and General
Relativity based on enlarging the gauge group of Ashtekar's new
variables. We construct the connection and loop representations and
analyze the space of states. In the loop representation, the
wavefunctions depend on two loops, each of them carrying information
about both gravitation and electromagnetism. We find that the
Chern-Simons form and the Jones Polynomial play a role in the model.
Paper: gr-qc/9301012
From: porrati@MAFALDA.PHYSICS.NYU.EDU (Massimo Porrati)
Date: Wed, 13 Jan 93 20:17:21 -0500
Massive Spin-5/2 Fields Coupled to Gravity: Tree-Level Unitarity vs. the
Equivalence Principle, Massimo Porrati, 6 pages.
I show that the gravitational scattering amplitudes of a spin-5/2
field with mass $m\ll M_{Pl}$ violate tree-level unitarity at
energies $\sqrt{s}\approx\sqrt{mM_{Pl}}$ if the coupling to gravity
is minimal. Unitarity up to energies $\sqrt{s}\approx M_{Pl}$ is
restored by adding a suitable non-minimal term, which gives rise to
interactions violating the (strong) equivalence principle. These
interactions are only relevant at distances $d\lequiv 1/m$.
Paper: gr-qc/9303014
Date: Wed, 10 Mar 1993 16:24:01 +0100 (WET)
Racz, 7 pages,PACS numbers: 04.20.Cv, 04.20.Me, 04.40.+c
We consider source-free electromagnetic fields in spacetimes
possessing a non-null Killing vector field, $\xi^a$. We assume
further that the electromagnetic field tensor, $F_{ab}$, is
invariant under the action of the isometry group induced by $\xi^a$.
It is proved that whenever the two potentials associated with the
electromagnetic field are functionally independent the entire
content of Maxwell's equations is equivalent to the relation
$\n^aT_{ab}=0$. Since this relation is implied by Einstein's
equation we argue that it is enough to solve merely Einstein's
equation for these electrovac spacetimes because the relevant
equations of motion will be satisfied automatically. It is also
shown that for the exceptional case of functionally related
potentials $\n^aT_{ab}=0$ implies along with one of the relevant
equations of motion that the complementary equation concerning the
electromagnetic field is satisfied.
Paper: gr-qc/9310007 (Physica Scripta 48, 649 (1993))
From: (Harald H. Soleng)
Date: Mon, 4 Oct 93 13:18:04 +0100
CONSEQUENCE OF CASIMIR ENERGY, H. H. Soleng, 10 pages, LaTeX, Report:
UPR-0540-T, To appear in Physica Scripta.
The gravitational effect of vacuum polarization in space exterior to
a particle in (2+1)-dimensional Einstein theory is investigated. In
the weak field limit this gravitational field corresponds to an
inverse square law of gravitational attraction, even though the
gravitational mass of the quantum vacuum is negative. The paradox is
resolved by considering a particle of finite extension and taking
into account the vacuum polarization in its interior.
Paper: gr-qc/9310019
From: rri! (B.R.Iyer)
Date: Tue, 12 Oct 93 12:44:52 IST
C.V.Vishveshwara , 37 pages, Paper in Latex.
The phenomenon of gyroscopic precession is studied within the
framework of Frenet-Serret formalism adapted to quasi-Killing
trajectories. Its relation to the congruence vorticity is
highlighted with particular reference to the irrotational congruence
admitted by the stationary, axisymmetric spacetime. General
precession formulae are obtained for circular orbits with arbitrary
constant angular speeds. By successive reduction, different types of
precessions are derived for the Kerr - Schwarzschild - Minkowski
spacetime family. The phenomenon is studied in the case of other
interesting spacetimes, such as the De Sitter and Godel
universes as well as the general stationary, cylindrical, vacuum
Paper: gr-qc/9310030
From: khatsymovsky
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 93 16:39:25 +0100
Can wormholes exist? V.Khatsymovsky, 10 pages, Plain LaTeX, preprint
Renormalized vacuum expectation values of electromagnetic
stress-energy tensor are calculated in the background
spherically-symmetrical metric of the wormhole's topology. Covariant
geodesic point separation method of regularization is used.
Violation of the weak energy condition at the throat of wormhole
takes place for geometry sufficiently close to that of infinitely
long wormhole of constant radius irrespectively of the detailed form
of metric. This is an argument in favour of possibility of existence
of selfconsistent wormhole in empty space maintained by vacuum field
fluctuations in the wormhole's background.
Paper: hep-th/9402046
Date: Tue, 08 Feb 1994 15:09:39 -0500 (EST)
Nguyen Ai Viet, Kameshwar C.Wali, 1 + 11 pages, Report # SU-4240-566,
We present a unified description of gravity and electromagnetism in
the framework of a Z2 noncommutative differential calculus. It
can be considered as a ``discrete version" of Kaluza-Klein theory,
where the fifth continuous dimension is replaced by two discrete
points. We derive an action which coincides with the dimensionally
reduced one of the ordinary Kaluza-Klein theory.
Paper: gr-qc/9404016
From: David Garfinkle
Date: Sun, 10 Apr 1994 17:44:50 -0400
Generating new magnetic universe solutions from old. By David Garfinkle and
M.A. Melvin. 17 pages
In this paper we apply the techniques which have been developed over
the last few decades for generating nontrivially new solutions of
the Einstein-Maxwell equations from seed solutions for simple
spacetimes. The simple seed spacetime which we choose is the
"magnetic universe" to which we apply the Ehlers transformation.
Three interesting non-singular metrics are generated. Two of these
may be described as "rotating magnetic universes" and the third as
an "evolving magnetic universe." Each is causally complete - in that
all timelike and lightlike geodesics do not end in a finite time or
affine parameter. We also give the electromagnetic field in each
case. For the two rotating stationary cases we give the projection
with respect to a stationary observer of the electromagnetic field
into electric and magnetic components.
Paper: gr-qc/9404065 (Phys. Rev. D50 (1994) 6190)
From: (Sean Carroll)
Date: Sun, 1 May 1994 16:35:00 -0400
Energy-Momentum Restrictions on the Creation of Gott Time Machines, by Sean
M. Carroll, Edward Farhi, Alan H. Guth, and Ken D. Olum. Plain TeX, 41 pages
incl. 9 figures. MIT-CTP #2252.
The discovery by Gott of a remarkably simple spacetime with closed
timelike curves (CTC's) provides a tool for investigating how the
creation of time machines is prevented in classical general
relativity. The Gott spacetime contains two infinitely long,
parallel cosmic strings, which can equivalently be viewed as point
masses in (2+1)-dimensional gravity. We examine the possibility of
building such a time machine in an open universe. Specifically, we
consider initial data specified on an edgeless, noncompact,
spacelike hypersurface, for which the total momentum is timelike
(i.e., not the momentum of a Gott spacetime). In contrast to the
case of a closed universe (in which Gott pairs, although not CTC's,
can be produced from the decay of stationary particles), we find
that there is never enough energy for a Gott-like time machine to
evolve from the specified data; it is impossible to accelerate two
particles to sufficiently high velocity. Thus, the no-CTC theorems
of Tipler and Hawking are enforced in an open (2+1)-dimensional
universe by a mechanism different from that which operates in a
closed universe. In proving our result, we develop a simple method
to understand the inequalities that restrict the result of combining
momenta in (2+1)-dimensional gravity.
Paper: gr-qc/9405050
Date: Mon, 23 May 1994 15:01 BSC (-0300 C)
OBSERVERS?, George E.A. Matsas, 6 pages (REVTEX 3.0), IFT-P017/94.
We revisit the long standing problem of analyzing an inertial
electric charge from the point of view of uniformly accelerated
observers in the context of semi-classical gravity. We choose a
suitable set of accelerated observers with respect to which there is
no photon emission coming from the inertial charge. We discuss this
result against previous claims [F. Rohrlich, Ann. Phys. (N.Y.) vol:
22, 169 (1963)]. (This Essay was awarded a Honorable Mention for
1994 by the Gravity Research Foundation.)
Paper: gr-qc/9406032
From: (Warner A. Miller)
Date: Mon, 20 Jun 94 14:44:42 MDT
Spin Dynamics of the LAGEOS Satellite in Support of a Measurement of the
Earth's Gravitomagnetism, Salman Habib, Daniel E. Holz, Arkady Kheyfets,
Richard A. Matzner, Warner A. Miller and Brian W. Tolman, 16 pages, RevTeX,
LA-UR-94-1289. (Part I of II, postscript figures in Part II).
LAGEOS is an accurately-tracked, dense spherical satellite covered
with 426 retroreflectors. The tracking accuracy is such as to yield
a medium term (years to decades) inertial reference frame determined
via relatively inexpensive observations. This frame is used as an
adjunct to the more difficult and data intensive VLBI absolute frame
measurements. There is a substantial secular precession of the
satellite's line of nodes consistent with the classical, Newtonian
precession due to the non-sphericity of the earth. Ciufolini has
suggested the launch of an identical satellite (LAGEOS-3) into an
orbit supplementary to that of LAGEOS-1: LAGEOS-3 would then
experience an equal and opposite classical precession to that of
LAGEOS-1. Besides providing a more accurate real-time measurement of
the earth's length of day and polar wobble, this paired-satellite
experiment would provide the first direct measurement of the general
relativistic frame-dragging effect. Of the five dominant error
sources in this experiment, the largest one involves surface forces
on the satellite, and their consequent impact on the orbital nodal
precession. The surface forces are a function of the spin dynamics
of the satellite. Consequently, we undertake here a theoretical
effort to model the spin ndynamics of LAGEOS. In this paper we
present our preliminary results.
Paper: gr-qc/9407003
From: William Bruckman
Date: Tue, 5 Jul 94 09:06:49 EDT
Generation of Electro and Magneto Static Solutions of the Scalar-Tensor
Theories of Gravity, William Bruckman, 28 pages, LaTeX.
The field equations of the scalar-tensor theories of gravitation are
presented in different representations, related to each other by
conformal transformations of the metric. One of the representations
resembles the Jordan-Brans-Dicke theory, and is the starting point
for the generation of exact electrostatic and magnetostatic exterior
solutions. The corresponding solutions for each specific theory can
be obtained by transforming back to the original canonical
representation, and the conversions are given for the theories of
Jordan-Brans-Dicke, Barker, Schwinger, and conformally invariant
coupling. The electrostatic solutions represent the exterior metrics
and fields of configurations where the gravitational and electric
equipotential surfaces have the same symmetry. A particular family
of electrostatic solutions is developed, which includes as special
case the spherically symmetric solutions of the scalar-tensor
theories. As expected, they reduce to the well-known
Reissner-Nordstrom metric when the scalar field is set equal to
a constant. The analysis of the Jordan-Brans-Dicke metric yields an
upper bound for the mass-radius ratio of static stars, for a class
of interior structures.
Paper: gr-qc/9407030
From: Marco SISSA +39(40)3787522
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 1994 15:10:04 +0200
CHARGE by Marco Cavaglia 13 pages, PLAIN TEX, Report No: SISSA 92/94/A (to
appear in Phys. Rev. D15).
I present and discuss a class of solutions of the Wheeler-de Witt
equation describing wormholes generated by coupling of gravity to
the electromagnetic field for Kantowski-Sachs and Bianchi I
spacetimes. Since the electric charge can be viewed as electric
lines of force trapped in a finite region of spacetime, these
solutions can be interpreted as the quantum corresponding of the
Ein-stein--Rosen--Misner--Wheeler electromagnetic geon.
Paper: gr-qc/9409060 (Annals of Physics vol. 240 432--458 (1995))
From: (Harald SOLENG)
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 94 14:01:03 +0100
Modification of the Coulomb potential from a Kaluza-Klein model with a
Gauss-Bonnet term in the action, by H. H. Soleng and O. Gron, 27 pages,
compressed and uuencoded postscript file with unpacking instructions; major
revision to section IV.D.2 on pages 15-16 ("Corrections to the Coulomb
potential at short distances") and to the figure on page 27,
to be published in The Annals of Physics (NY), NORDITA 94/50
In four dimensions a Gauss-Bonnet term in the action corresponds
to a total derivative, and it does not contribute to the classical
equations of motion. For higher-dimensional geometries this term has
the interesting property (shared with other dimensionally continued
Euler densities) that when the action is varied with respect to the
metric, it gives rise to a symmetric, covariantly conserved tensor
of rank two which is a function of the metric and its first and
second order derivatives. Here we review the unification of General
Relativity and electromagnetism in the classical five-dimensional,
restricted (with g55 = 1) Kaluza-Klein model. Then we discuss the
modifications of the Einstein-Maxwell theory that results from
adding the Gauss-Bonnet term in the action. The resulting
four-dimensional theory describes a non-linear U(1) gauge theory
non-minimally coupled to gravity. For a point charge at rest, we
find a perturbative solution for large distances which gives a
mass-dependent correction to the Coulomb potential. Near the source
we find a power-law solution which seems to cure the short-distance
divergency of the Coulomb potential. Possible ways to obtain an
experimental upper limit to the coupling of the hypothetical
Gauss-Bonnet term are also considered.
Paper: hep-th/9410046
From: M.J. Duff
Date: Fri, 7 Oct 94 13:04:15 BST
KALUZA-KLEIN THEORY IN PERSPECTIVE, M. J. Duff, 38 pages latex, NI-94-015
The Kaluza-Klein idea of extra spacetime dimensions continues to
pervade current attempts to unify the fundamental forces, but in
ways somewhat different from that originally envisaged. We present a
modern perspective on the role of internal dimensions in physics,
focussing in particular on superstring theory. A novel result is the
interpretation of Kaluza-Klein string states as extreme black
holes.(Talk delivered at the Oskar Klein Centenary Nobel Symposium,
Stockholm, September 19-21, 1994.)
Paper: gr-qc/9509018
From: (NUNEZ Carlos)
Date: Fri, 8 Sep 95 15:05:13 EST
Title: On Pseudospherically Symmetric Repulsive Gravitational Field
Authors: Luis A. Anchordoqui, Graciela S. Birman, Jose D. Edelstein
and Carlos Nunez Report-no: La Plata-Th 95/23
The solution of Einstein vacuum equation, for a static
pseudospherically symmetric system, is presented. It describes a
singular solution that produces a repulsive gravitational field with
an event horizon. We analyse particle motion in such a gravitational
field and comment on some interesting features of the solution.
"The Origin of the Electromagnetic Interaction in Einstien's Unified
Field Theory", Antoci,S. General Relativity and Gravitation,
Vol 23 No 1, 1991
Recently it has been shown that, if sources are appended in a certain
way to the field equations of Einstein's unified theory, the contracted
Bianchi identities and the field operations appear endowed with definite
physical meaning. The theory looks like a gravoelectrodynamics in a
polarizable Riemmannian continuum. The wealth of the implied possibilities
is far richer than in the so-called Einstein-Maxwell theory.
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